Post by tionlesovexan on Feb 10, 2022 12:02:08 GMT
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Det er et fantastisk spil, men hver gang jeg prøver at trække et element ind i firkanten for at bruge det, vil det ikke placere elementet i firkanten. Så jeg kan ikke prøve nogen nye ting. Jeg kan heller ikke lide, at du ikke kan rydde dine inventar firkanter for at sætte nye ting der.
Dette er et meget flot spil, der er så meget sjov, en person kan have i dette spil... Men nu beder jeg venligst tilføje flere mennesker, opgrader møbler og lav husdyr, fordi hver gang jeg prøver at holde en hund som kæledyr, er det meget hårdt fordi hunden er vant til ingenting jeg skal tvinge den til at gå rundt i huset den bliver et sted i dagevis og få personen til at sidde og drikke flydende ting.. Og få det til at være et rigtigt liv det bliver mere sjovt
Dette spil er fedt, men! -1 cz af færre dyr, -1 cz af manglende opdræt og -1 cz vi kan ikke bruge pakke (f.eks.: dino pack, eller dragon pack som Minecraft)
Jeg elsker dette spil så meget. Den har ikke en Bug. Hvis du ikke kan lide annoncerne, forsvinder din wifi, så du ikke længere har problemer med ADS, er det sådan, det virker!
Den er god, jeg har ikke spillet siden 2020, så jeg ved ikke, hvor god den stadig er. Jeg havde nogle ret forfærdelige valg, da jeg var 8 og 9. Men efter spillets udseende indtil videre. Det er ret godt. Men jeg er stadig ikke så sikker på, om det slår andre lignende spil. Så det er en 3 stjerne for mig, min mening tager ikke støde på andre. Men jeg kan godt lide spillet udover det.
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Det er derfor, jeg gav dette spil 3 stjerner, fordi jeg kan lide spillet, men kan du være venlig at sætte nogle gående og snakkende mennesker, der er et verdensnavn storby i spillet, men der er ingen mennesker, og jeg føler, at verden er forladt, og kan du sætte noget zombie spawn æg og normale spwaning zombier for at gøre spillet endnu bedre, og jeg vil give dig 5 stjerner
Jeg kan virkelig godt lide dette spil, men dette spil kan ikke spilles med venner Jeg foretrækker craftman-spil end dette spil crafman-spil kan spilles med venner, der ikke kan lide dette spil
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Dette spil tager for meget tid at indlæse😖😖 men dets grafik er så meget flot 😉😉
Dette spil skal rettes, for jeg kom på det en dag, og det slettede de huse, de byggede, og en dag byggede jeg mit eget hus, og den næste dag var det væk, og jeg var i en anden verden, og jeg prøver ikke at vær uhøflig, men kan I plz gøre det for mig eller fortælle mig hvordan
Dette spil stinker, fordi når du bygger noget stort, og du lægger noget oven på det for at fortælle dig, at det er dit hus. Men når du går og leder efter huler, og du vil finde dit hus igen, kan du det ikke, fordi DETTE SPIL IKKE BASER INGEN KORT, SOM DU KAN BRUGE TIL AT LADE DIG VIDE, HVOR DU ER, OG HVOR DU ER HUS. Tag venligst min kommentar i betragtning og opdater spillet med et kort tak og tak
Jeg kan godt lide spillet, men når jeg går til et lille hus, har jeg ingen blokke til at bygge et andet hus. JEG ELSKER STADIG SPILLET
Tvinger annoncer, mens appen er lukket, afbryder, mens andre ting bliver til at vise annoncer
Andres problemer er lavpunkt. Det virkelige problem er, at dette ikke er et multiplayer-spil. Lavede det som multiplayer spil. 👍👍 alt det bedste.
Hvis du kan lide kreativt, så er dette spil rocks! Men giv os venligst flere forskellige typer døre og glas
Dit spil fryser, og det sparker mig ud, venligst reparer det, og jeg vil gendownloade dit spil og give det fem stjerner
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det var fantastisk, men jeg tror, at storbyen har brug for et par flere bygninger, og det burde være mere gratis. Jeg ved, at du har arbejdet så hårdt på det, men jeg synes, det mest var fantastisk, bortset fra den del, hvor deres ven forsøger at lave flere dyr men jeg tror, du kunne lave mere end det, det tog mig lidt at virkelig indse, at du prøvede at lave Minecraft, det er bare i en større version, vil jeg sige, men der er mange fede unikke ting, men hvorfor kan andre verdener ikke være som storby og andet end det
Jeg kan godt lide/elsker dette spil, men jeg vil virkelig have, at I fikser denne fejl af den fejl, jeg kan ikke afslutte den😔😔😔). Jeg elsker dette spil, men jeg håber du kan rette fejlen. Jeg giver 3 stjerner først, men hvis du løser den fejl, vil jeg give 5 stjerner og anbefale til mine venner
Spil ikke dette spil, fordi hvem der har problemer med Head ake ya eyes, spiller ikke dette spil. Men dette spil er kun godt, men der er 3D-evolution, når vi spiller dette med hovedake ya problem, vi burde ikke dette spil, jeg spillede, da jeg havde hovedake problem. Jeg fik frygt som tyfus, jeg har det kun sådan. Ok plz ikke spil dette spil, når du har problemer med hovedet
Det er virkelig sjovt ❤️❤️💗💗💞💞
Jeg elsker dette spil, og det er virkelig nemt at bruge, bare slå dine data eller wifi fra, og dit spil vil ikke halte. Til dem, der har opfundet dette spil, sætter jeg stor pris på, at I skaber et meget smukt og flot spil
I min ærlige mening elsker jeg dette spil, du kan VIRKELIG!!! lav alt, hvad du kan komme i tanke om - storbyen (verden) eller standardens livlige vilde naturverden - BearPark (verden).
Jeg vil give denne to stjerner, fordi den er så anderledes i gamle minehåndværk..dette er ikke sjovt..jeg synes, du skal tilføje flere ting
Mini Block Craft – Apps i Google Play
Jeg elsker dette spil, jeg ville elske for dig at lave andre ting, såsom forskellige monstre til at skabe nye dyr, og jeg ville forhåbentlig være glad, hvis du kunne tæmme flere dyr, men resten er fantastisk
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Dette spil er meget godt, men dette spil tilføjer ikke multiplayer :(
Dette spil er fantastisk, du ser ud som i en virkelig verden, hvis du spiller dette, så fantastisk...
Dette er hverken god eller dårlig app, det er godt, at han har mest plads, og det er dårligt er, at der ikke er nogen møbler til rådighed i min verden, og i min verden er der intet gydeæg af hvid tiger og hvid løve, så jeg vil gerne fange dem er det meget svært
Dette spil er sjovt, men problemet er, hvordan kan jeg have tøj på eller skifte tøj, jeg kan ikke spille overlevelsestilstand, og hvis jeg i byen har møbler, når jeg skaber en ny verden, har jeg ingen møbler, hvordan skift verdensnavne, og det slår mig nogle gange ud af spillet.
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Dette spil var sjovt, men lidt kedeligt. Jeg elsker at spille Real Minecraft.
Det er ok. De ting jeg syntes var irriterende var(de fleste af dem var mine fejl, men jeg siger det stadig 😅🤦): 1.idk hvordan man tager tøjet på, men det er måske mit problem 😂 2. Hvor er maden?. 3.Dyrene er lovlige SKRÆMME 4.At bygge for mig var en forfærdelig oplevelse 5.kontrollerne er generende generelt. Tak for din tid 🙃. Btw denne anmeldelse er ikke for folk derude for ikke at downloade dette. Du er velkommen til at downloade. måske er disse problemer bare med mig og min enhed. Igen, tak. 👋
Dette spil er bedst, men det eneste, det er at downloade og åbne, viser, at miniblok-håndværk holder op med at virke
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Jeg kan så godt lide dette spil. Der er mange møbelting! Men jeg ved ikke hvordan jeg fikser døren. Det er så sindssygt, men jeg nyder spillet så meget, selvom der er mange annoncer. Men hvis du vil undgå det, skal du sørge for, at din mobildata eller wifi er slået fra
det er virkelig sjov og man kan virkelig være kreativ
Guide Mini World Block craft 2020 - Seneste Version Til Android ...
Ja sååå godt...jeg har spillet siden jeg var 7 eller 8 år kan du tilføje noget bil bc ja vi kan lave rollespil..
Jeg elsker dette spil. Det er så nemt at bruge, og du har alt, hvad du ønsker. Fantastisk. Jeg anbefaler dette spil. Men hvorfor de 1 stjernede mennesker. Spillet er faktisk sjovt. Det har dyr og huse og hoteller. Spillene er så realistiske!! Download venligst. Men jeg har brug for dette spil For at være multiplayer tak!!
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can't="" change="" it="" ,there's="" no="" multiplayer="" ,don't="" have="" a="" settings="" and="" i="" don't="" recommend="" this="" game.(not="" enjoyable)⚠⚠⚠="" every="" time="" i="" press="" a="" block="" or="" anything="" there="" is="" an="" ad="" and="" its="" the="" same="" one="" going="" on="" and="" on="" i="" would="" like="" some="" on="" to="" fix="" it="" right="" away="" because="" it's="" no="" exactly="" a="" bad="" game="" it="" just="" needs="" fixing!!!!!!!!!!!="" it's="" ok="" i="" guess="" i="" gave="" it="" a="" 1="" star="" because="" you="" cant="" build="" and="" like="" every="" sec="" it="" gives="" me="" an="" ad="" it's="" boring="" if="" we="" could="" build="" that="" would="" be="" great="" and="" if="" you="" could="" add="" cute="" animals="" and="" remove="" ads="" that="" time="" i="" would="" give="" it="" a="" 5="" stars="" please="" take="" my="" advise="" i="" like="" this="" game="" very="" much.="" there="" is="" so="" many="" ads.="" please="" remove="" the="" ads="" 🙏🙏.="" i="" play="" this="" game="" very="" much="" then="" how="" many="" ads="" and="" i="" want="" to="" rate="" i="" will="" give="" you="" only="" 4="" stars="" 🌟="" because="" there="" is="" many="" ads="" are="" there="" that's="" why="" i="" am="" giving="" you="" four="" stars="" there="" is="" no="" ads="" i="" will="" give="" your="" 5="" stars="" it's="" glitch="" and="" when="" i="" walk="" it="" deletes="" blocks="" i="" don't="" want="" to.="" the="" maps="" are="" massive.="" too="" big="" for="" sure.="" would="" recoment="" if="" your="" patient="" because="" there="" are="" lots="" of="" ads="" to.="" this="" game="" is="" very="" good="" in="" starting="" and="" i="" make="" a="" house="" and="" the="" walls="" of="" house="" become="" transparent="" and="" it="" is="" looking="" very="" bad="" and="" i="" don't="" like="" this="" game="" if="" your="" a="" child="" please="" don't="" get="" this="" and="" if="" you="" do="" don't="" expect="" the="" questions="" at="" the="" start,="" it="" takes="" very="" long="" to="" load="" i="" am="" sure="" i="" would="" enjoy="" this="" game="" if="" it="" didn't="" freeze="" an="" throw="" me="" out!="" especially="" when="" it="" is="" getting="" interesting.="" that's="" why="" i="" give="" 1="" star.="" this="" game="" is="" like="" minecraft="" but="" you="" don't="" need="" to="" pay,="" i="" dislike="" this="" game="" because="" theres="" more="" adds="" than="" playtime="" very="" bad="" game="" you="" can="" make="" soo="" much="" floor="" in="" this="" game="" there="" has="" a="" problem="" when="" you="" make="" 3="" floor="" the="" block="" does="" not="" work.="" i="" would've="" loved="" to="" play="" this="" game="" because="" it="" looked="" very="" interesting="" but="" every="" second="" there="" is="" an="" ad.="" i'm="" back="" to="" minecraft="" because="" it="" doesnt="" have="" any="" ads.="" uninstalled.="" in="" the="" world="" like="" big="" mansion="" and="" stuff="" it="" is="" good="" but="" the="" thing="" is="" u="" can="" only="" explore="" it="" and="" nothing="" else="" so="" if="" u="" wanna="" play="" then="" do="" play="" lokicraft="" that="" is="" similar="" as="" minecraft="" and="" also="" do="" play="" roblox="" when="" i="" start="" building,="" the="" game="" goes="" smoothly,but="" after="" placing="" too="" many="" furniture="" or="" making="" houses="" or="" colonies,the="" game="" glitches,="" sooo="" terrible="" glitch="" that="" all="" blocks="" get="" transparent,we="" can="" see="" underground="" lava="" lakes,="" at="" that="" movement,i="" m="" frustrated.="" plzzzzzz="" fix="" ths="" let="" me="" just="" say="" this="" this="" game="" is="" terrible="" glitches="" and="" the="" worst="" thing="" is="" that="" if="" i="" build="" a="" house="" if="" i="" want="" toput="" a="" block="" on="" the="" left="" it="" will="" appear="" on="" the="" right="" pls="" fix="" this="" i="" hate="" this="" game,="" you="" get="" spanned="" in="" a="" snow="" tree="" thing="" and="" you="" have="" to="" make="" yourself="" come="" down="" and="" get="" very="" cold="" and="" die!="" i="" do="" not="" recommend="" this="" game="" at="" all!!="" this="" is="" sucks="" it="" told="" me="" to="" get="" out="" of="" the="" water="" but="" it="" did="" not="" let="" me="" do="" it="" this="" game="" sucks="" idc="" if="" it="" wlrked="" hard="" on="" this="" game="" and="" i="" lost="" all="" my="" survival="" stuff="" ban="" this="" game="" forever.="" last="" time="" i="" give="" it="" five="" stars="" now="" i="" am="" giving="" it="" 1="" star="" because="" there="" is="" a="" glitch="" and="" i="" can't="" build="" anything="" this="" makes="" me="" very="" very="" angry="" so="" i="" hope="" that="" you="" will="" work="" on="" this="" but="" for="" other="" things="" this="" is="" a="" great="" app="" and="" please="" make="" this="" game="" online="" i="" will="" give="" you="" 1="" star="" because="" they="" are="" no="" characters="" create="" them="" please="" and="" it="" is="" too="" scary,="" and="" please="" change="" the="" controls="" it="" is="" very="" hard,confusing="" and="" complcated="" please="" do="" put="" characters="" thank="" you="" for="" understanding="" i="" hate="" this="" game="" bc="" when="" i="" just="" downloaded="" it="" and="" i="" wanted="" to="" play="" it="" took="" so="" much="" time="" to="" load="" that="" i="" couldn't="" play="" fix="" it="" now="" bc="" i="" will="" not="" stand="" this="" nonsense="" 😠😠😠😠😒😒="" amm="" good="" game="" but="" it's="" was="" so="" boring="" no="" more="" people="" in="" that="" game="" and="" you="" can't="" play="" with="" your="" friends..rate="" this="" 1="" star="" sorry="" there's="" one="" problem="" when="" i="" downloaded="" it="" the="" screen="" kept="" on="" loading="" and="" loading="" untill="" my="" phone="" dies!="" 😠="" this="" is="" a="" really="" bad="" game="" reason="" 1="" we="" are="" stuck="" on="" creative="" reason="" 2="" the="" controls="" are="" really="" bad="" reason="" 3="" it's="" so="" hard="" to="" find="" stuff="" reason="" 4="" we="" get="" pre="" made="" worlds="" but="" we="" don't="" get="" any="" experience="" out="" of="" it="" this="" game="" is="" perfect="" but="" when="" it's="" at="" night="" and="" you="" switch="" it="" to="" servival="" and="" animals="" fight="" and="" make="" noice="" this="" game="" is="" good="" but="" there="" are="" so="" much="" shadow="" please="" fixed="" this="" problem="" this="" home="" has="" many="" circular="" objects="" and="" whenever="" i="" take="" something="" a="" ad="" shows="" please="" fix="" it="" worst="" mine="" craft="" ever="" the="" ads="" are="" freaken="" insane="" and="" dont="" get="" me="" started="" about="" the="" glitches="" and="" the="" worst="" part="" is="" everything="" is="" already="" built="" the="" purpose="" of="" mine="" craft="" is="" to="" build="" what="" the="" heck........i="" hate="" it="" i="" hate="" it="" it="" glitch="" when="" i="" put="" furnitures,="" i've="" made="" a="" mansion="" all="" night="" but="" i="" have="" to="" leave="" it="" because="" it's="" glitching.="" i="" uninstalled="" this="" game="" cause="" there's="" to="" many="" ads="" when="" you="" exit="" the="" inventory="" please="" fix="" it="" or="" forever="" i="" will="" rate="" it="" 1="" star.="" too="" many="" ads!="" every="" time="" i="" move="" or="" go="" in="" my="" inventory="" a="" ad="" pops="" up.="" it's="" annoying="" and="" a="" waste="" of="" time.="" i="" can't="" enjoy="" the="" game="" because="" the="" ads="" come="" every="" time="" when="" you="" want="" to="" do="" something="" 😒="" i="" love="" this="" game="" but="" please="" put="" one="" empty="" land="" no="" flowers="" no="" houses="" no="" nothing="" so="" we="" can="" build="" whichever="" house="" we="" want="" the="" name="" of="" that="" should="" be="" empty="" land="" and="" also="" please="" keep="" other="" people="" online="" it="" feels="" lonely="" without="" other="" online="" players="" bad="" bad="" bad="" there="" are="" ads="" every="" time="" you="" close="" your="" inventory="" or="" open="" it="" and="" not="" only="" that="" i="" actually="" make="" it="" through="" the="" day="" but="" every="" single="" goddamn="" night="" i="" get="" killed="" by="" wolf's="" the="" game="" litterely="" spawns="" wolves="" beside="" me😡😡😡😡😡="" completely="" and="" utterly="" shameless="" i="" love="" the="" game="" but="" it="" takes="" so="" long="" to="" load="" and="" so="" many="" ads="" i="" am="" not="" able="" to="" put="" one="" oak="" plank="" to="" craft="" a="" crafting="" table="" so="" bad="" game="" i="" wish="" i="" couldrate="" it="" 0="" star="" please="" fix="" that="" make="" on="" mobile="" you="" can="" place="" one="" if="" you="" can="" idk="" how="" to="" this="" game="" is="" worse="" than="" loki="" craft="" 4="" this="" is="" the="" worst="" game="" i="" wasted="" my="" storage="" in="" a="" stupid="" game.="" i="" rated="" this="" game="" 1="" star,="" because="" when="" ever="" i="" try="" to="" play="" it,="" it="" doesn't="" work.="" 😭😭😭="" why="" so="" many="" ads?="" my="" son="" wanted="" to="" build="" a="" house="" and="" there="" was="" four="" ads="" before="" he="" even="" got="" the="" first="" row="" of="" blocks="" done="" for="" the="" base.="" 16="" ads="" to="" get="" through="" to="" set="" the="" first="" blocks="" for="" the="" foundation!="" he="" quit="" after="" that.="" 100+="" ads="" to="" get="" through="" just="" to="" build="" a="" small="" house?="" i've="" been="" playing="" this="" game="" for="" years="" and="" i="" used="" to="" like="" it="" a="" lot.="" but="" the="" world="" i="" spent="" so="" much="" time="" and="" effort="" to="" create="" just="" suddenly="" turned="" black="" and="" it="" won't="" let="" me="" go="" anywhere="" but="" on="" the="" empty,="" black="" space.="" terribly="" annoying.="" when="" i="" downloaded="" this="" game="" ,="" it="" was="" good="" but="" there="" were="" some="" glitches="" ,="" like="" (="" i="" don't="" know="" how="" to="" say="" this="°=" )="" but="" it="" was="" like="" frozen="" screen="" (wut="" am="" i="" saying)="" the="" screen="" wasn't="" moving="" -_-.="" it's="" so="" hard="" to="" take="" a="" mini="" thing="" in="" mini="" block="" craft="" so="" boring="" this="" game="" is="" terrible="" because="" it="" crashes="" every="" time="" i="" want="" to="" load="" any="" worlds="" i="" did="" not="" even="" get="" an="" experience="" after="" 20="" miniutes,="" the="" game="" would="" not="" load="" whatsoever.="" and="" i="" am="" on="" a="" samsung="" galaxy!="" if="" i="" do="" get="" an="" experience="" then="" i="" will="" edit="" but="" how="" long="" it="" takes="" to="" load="" is="" ridiculous.="" if="" there="" is="" a="" way="" to="" fix="" the="" slow="" loading="" developers="" please="" respond="" soon!="" there="" is="" ads="" every="" time="" i="" open="" the="" box="" and="" close="" it="" that="" why="" i="" give="" this="" a="" 1="" star="" i="" hate="" this="" game!!="" 😡="" i="" was="" stoked="" to="" get="" the="" game="" because="" from="" it's="" awesome="" pictures="" i="" saw,="" but="" all="" i="" got="" is="" the="" loading="" page.="" i="" even="" restarted="" my="" phone="" 11="" times.="" also,="" i="" don't="" think="" you="" should="" install="" it="" because="" it="" tries="" to="" get="" your="" location="" 🏠.="" overall,="" i="" would="" actually="" give="" it="" 0="" ⭐.="" do="" not="" download="" if="" you="" have="" raging="" problems!="" i="" played="" on="" survival="" and="" i="" literally="" raged="" to="" the="" point="" where="" i="" cried.="" minecraft="" doesnt="" have="" the="" "fever"="" problem.="" im="" never="" ever="" playing="" this="" again.="" im="" done.="" until="" this="" comes="" out="" with="" a="" update,="" im="" done.="" i="" thought="" it="" would="" be="" nice="" to="" try="" a="" different="" version="" of="" minecraft="" so="" i="" tried="" it="" and="" i="" couldn't="" even="" load="" the="" game="" up="" for="" 30="" min="" i="" waited.="" also="" why="" does="" it="" need="" my="" location="" data="" for="" a="" minecraft="" remake="" it's="" very="" bad="" don't="" download="" it="" just="" wastes="" your="" time.="" if="" i="" could="" i="" would="" go="" 0="" stars="" worstestestestestestestestestestestestestest="" no="" graphics="" nithinu="" just="" fly="" arundhthi="" it="" just="" ayo="" what="" the="" ...="" 😞:*(="" the="" first="" time="" i="" played="" this="" game,="" it="" loaded="" for="" litterly="" 20="" minutes!="" like,="" if="" you're="" going="" to="" make="" a="" game,="" don't="" waste="" it="" by="" putting="" a="" "loading..."="" screen="" for="" a="" long="" time.="" bruh!="" i="" had="" to="" uninstall="" it...i'm="" sorry.="" i="" didn't="" even="" get="" to="" play="" it="" b/c="" it="" loaded="" so="" flippin'="" long!="" worst="" game="" it="" is="" not="" working="" waste="" of="" storage="" it="" is="" loading="" in="" the="" begening="" but="" they="" nrver="" started="" the="" game="" this="" game="" is="" honestly="" terrible,="" yes,="" it="" is="" a="" little="" bit="" similar="" to="" minecraft,="" which="" they="" should="" be="" copyrighted="" for,="" but="" u="" don't="" even="" have="" an="" inventory,="" ur="" hotter="" is="" the="" only="" place="" to="" keep="" items,="" so="" u="" have="" to="" keep="" going="" into="" the="" item="" menu="" which="" gives="" a="" an="" ad="" every="" single="" time="" literally="" a="" ripoff="" version="" of="" survival="" craft="" ($3)="" so="" if="" you="" want="" anything="" good,="" i="" suggest="" you="" download="" minecraft="" or="" survival="" craft="" off="" of="" aptoide,="" youll="" have="" a="" much="" better="" experience="" there.="" also,="" on="" the="" real="" survival="" craft,="" there="" arent="" any="" ads.="" first="" you="" can't="" change="" the="" wether="" and="" everything="" just="" looks="" weird.second="" there's="" not="" a="" lot="" of="" food="" the="" armor="" looks="" like="" paper.="" third="" there="" are="" a="" lot="" of="" adds.="" i="" would="" recommend="" you="" get="" minni="" block="" world="" instead="" at="" least="" they="" have="" potions="" and="" wether="" controls.="" first="" time="" i="" play="" it,="" i'm="" so="" amaze="" with="" the="" buildings="" and="" houses="" in="" big="" city="" but="" now="" i'm="" so="" bored="" and="" in="" world:zyblocky="" and="" bearpark,all="" the="" animals="" attack="" me="" so="" everytime="" i="" play="" that="" world,i="" fly="" so="" no="" one="" will="" attack="" me="" so="" i="" uninstall="" it!!!sorry="" mini="" block="" craft😡😭😢="" this="" game="" could="" be="" fun,="" i="" don't="" really="" know!="" the="" reason="" i="" gave="" a="" 1="" star="" rating="" is="" because="" the="" game="" never="" stops="" loading!="" i="" can't="" give="" it="" any="" higher="" because="" i="" haven't="" even="" gotten="" to="" play="" the="" game!😡="" if="" you="" can="" fix="" that="" one="" thing,="" then="" maybe="" my="" rating="" will="" go="" up...="" guys,="" this="" game="" has="" stolen="" contents="" from="" survivalcraft.="" even="" though="" its="" free,="" it="" is="" full="" of="" ads="" and="" its="" way="" too="" buggy.="" if="" you="" want="" a="" real="" deal,="" go="" find="" a="" free="" survivalcraft="" on="" the="" web.="" its="" more="" safer="" compared="" to="" tons="" of="" intrusive="" ads.="" this="" is="" the="" most="" worst="" game="" i="" played="" from="" google="" play.="" in="" this="" game="" we="" have="" no="" options="" to="" change="" your="" tools="" from="" the="" chest="" .="" there="" is="" no="" creative="" or="" survival="" mode.="" the="" modes="" are="" mixed="" in="" it="" .="" the="" graphics="" are="" very="" very="" poor.="" i="" think="" that="" those="" things="" will="" be="" changed="" .="" i="" rated="" this="" game="" a="" one="" star="" because="" when="" i="" open="" the="" app,="" nothing="" happens.="" it's="" just="" the="" loading="" page.="" i="" downloaded="" this="" game="" a="" long="" time="" ago="" and="" had="" that="" same="" issue="" as="" now.="" i'll="" keep="" trying="" to="" see="" if="" it="" works="" and="" hopefully="" it="" will.="" very="" slow="" and="" have="" any="" plopem="" im="" think="" you="" can="" fix="" and="" update="" thanks!="" this="" game="" is="" so="" nice="" maybe="" if="" you="" add="" some="" places="" like="" flats="" so,="" i="" was="" really="" excited="" about="" the="" app="" then,="" i="" sat="" here="" for="" 10="" minutes="" and="" the="" app="" would="" not="" load="" then="" crashed.="" there="" is="" nothing="" wrong="" with="" my="" device,="" i="" have="" checked="" and="" it's="" brand="" new.="" i="" will="" change="" my="" review="" once="" this="" is="" fixed="" i="" would="" give="" it="" a="" five="" star="" but="" there="" are="" ads="" everywhere,="" and="" i="" mean="" everywhere.="" it="" so="" stupid="" that="" i="" am="" deleating="" the="" game="" because="" of="" it.="" domt="" waste="" storage="" space="" with="" this="" game.="" i="" would="" give="" it="" a="" zero="" star="" if="" i="" could.="" even="" my="" kid="" is="" complaining="" too="" many="" advertisements.="" almost="" every="" 8-10="" seconds="" during="" the="" game.="" too="" excessive!="" never="" imagine="" for="" such="" thing="" for="" the="" first="" time.="" please="" fix="" this.="" can't="" get="" out="" of="" a="" world="" because="" the="" ads="" are="" blocking="" it.="" this="" game="" is="" so="" good...="" but="" here="" is="" a="" problem="" also,="" and="" the="" problem="" iss....="" this="" game="" shows="" me"error="" loading="" world-="" an="" item="" with="" the="" same="" key="" has="" already="" been="" added.="" ,="" key:="" *-/@#:"$="" if="" u="" know="" what="" to="" do="" in="" this="" situation....="" then="" please="" tell="" me@="" everytime="" i="" clicked="" myworld="" that="" i="" created="" to="" play="" it="" would="" go="" back="" to="" my="" homescreen="" as="" if="" it="" has="" a="" virus="" in="" it="" or="" something.="" its="" a="" fun="" game="" but="" it="" wont="" let="" me="" play="" anymore="" so="" its="" a="" one...and="" everytime="" i="" click="" the="" inventory="" bag="" an="" ad="" pops="" up....fix="" the="" problems="" please="" need="" access="" to="" my="" location,="" contacts="" and="" pictures="" for="" me="" to="" build="" random="" objects="" in="" a="" game?="" would="" not="" load="" without="" such="" permissions?="" no="" thank="" you!="" invasive!="" the="" game="" will="" not="" even="" load="" without="" absurd="" permissions="" granted.="" it="" does="" not="" need="" access="" to="" my="" location="" and="" contacts="" list.="" it="" is="" clearly="" thinly="" veiled="" spyware.="" garbage.="" the="" game="" froze="" every="" few="" minutes="" and="" had="" an="" ad="" every="" 20="" seconds="" or="" so.="" plus="" the="" we're="" no="" instructions="" on="" how="" to="" do="" anything.="" i="" was="" really="" looking="" forward="" to="" this="" game="" to.="" the="" only="" reason="" this="" gets="" a="" one="" is="" everytime="" i="" log="" onto="" it,="" it="" keeps="" me="" on="" the="" loading="" page="" and="" will="" not="" load="" so="" i="" cant="" play="" on="" it.="" i="" hope="" it="" gets="" fixed="" soon="" before="" it="" happens="" to="" anyone="" else.="" worst="" survival="" mode="" your="" easily="" killed="" its="" so="" hard="" to="" find="" food="" you="" over="" get="" cold="" and="" you="" start="" with="" zero="" things="" to="" help="" you="" mine="" its="" negative="" 100="" 100:(="" enjoy="" the="" game="" but="" several="" times="" a="" glitch="" in="" the="" program="" ruins="" the="" structure="" and="" renders="" it="" useless.="" all="" that="" time="" is="" lost.="" administrator="" feel="" free="" to="" contact="" me="" so="" we="" can="" fix="" this="" problem.="" i="" had="" no="" experience😭="" because="" the="" freaking="" loading="" is="" taking="" forever!="" please="" fix="" the="" loading="" there's="" a="" bug="" in="" the="" loading="" part="" please="" fix="" it.="" (sorry="" for="" saying="" freaking="" i="" just="" got="" carried="" away="" btw="" i="" gave="" it="" 1="" star="" cuz="" of="" the="" bug😡)="" this="" game="" keeps="" on="" lagging="" and="" glitching!!!i="" have="" no="" idea="" what="" is="" the="" problem="" with="" this="" app??!!sometimes="" it="" just="" keeps="" on="" loading?!!?="" i="" thought="" it="" was="" my="" wifi="" problem="" but="" even="" when="" i="" had="" the="" strongest="" wifi="" it="" just="" kept="" on="" loading!!!!="" this="" game="" is="" not="" good!!!!!!!!!!!="" please="" fix="" this="" game="" is="" really="" fun="" but="" i="" dont="" get="" to="" enjoy="" it="" because="" and="" ad="" pops="" up="" all="" the="" time="" and="" then="" there="" is="" this="" loading="" screen="" supposed="" to="" be="" an="" ad="" but="" its="" just="" keep="" loading="" i="" exit="" out="" and="" come="" back,="" same="" thing="" its="" ruining="" the="" game="" for="" me="" it="" seems="" ok="" but="" it="" really="" isn't="" all="" that="" good="" i="" mean="" it="" doesn't="" allow="" you="" to="" play="" online="" and="" the="" graphics="" aren't="" all="" that="" good="" it's="" al="" little="" similar="" to="" minecraft="" but="" it="" not="" what="" i="" thought="" it="" would="" be="" so="" for="" those="" reasons="" i="" give="" it="" a="" 1="" star="" it's="" kinda="" boring="" because="" some="" of="" the="" furniture="" you="" have="" to="" watch="" an="" add="" which="" makes="" me="" angry.="" the="" other="" game="" that="" is="" called="" "craftsman"="" that="" game="" and="" the="" furniture="" is="" free="" no="" adds="" for="" the="" furniture.="" but="" this="" game="" nope="" is="" not="" for="" me,="" so="" that="" was="" a="" good="" try="" making="" this="" game...="" its="" a="" good="" game="" but="" it="" would="" be="" better="" if="" had="" a="" search="" menu="" so="" things="" would="" be="" easier="" to="" find.="" and="" it="" would="" be="" alot="" better="" if="" you="" could="" craft="" stuff="" like="" a="" bed="" and="" other="" things.="" dear="" creators="" of="" mini="" block="" craft,="" i="" don't="" really="" like="" this="" game.="" wanna="" now="" why?="" ok.="" it's="" because="" you="" won't="" let="" other="" people="" play="" with="" friends.="" maybe="" you="" could="" let="" people="" all="" play="" in="" the="" big="" city.="" sencirily,="" me="" ps.="" maybe="" if="" you="" do="" i'll="" give="" 5="" star="" raiting.="" if="" i="" could="" rate="" this="" lower="" i="" would!="" this="" game="" sucks,="" when="" i="" start="" playing="" this="" game="" for="" 1="" min,="" it="" was="" good="" but="" after="" 1="" min,the="" game="" stops="" and="" it="" doesn't="" let="" me="" play,there="" isn't="" many="" material="" to="" build="" and="" its="" just="" not="" good!="" i="" don't="" know="" how="" "50"milion="" people="" play="" this="" doesn't="" work="" on="" lenovo="" tb-7304f,="" no="" warnings,="" says="" loading,="" doesn't.="" still="" at="" least="" there="" was="" no="" ads="" or="" micro-transactions,="" definately="" deserves="" a="" star="" for="" that.="" thanks.="" in="" this="" game="" why="" we="" lost="" in="" sky="" and="" i="" detete="" this="" game="" and="" reinstalled="" two="" times="" and="" before="" i="" deleted="" i="" closed="" the="" game="" and="" i="" restart="" more="" and="" more="" times="" but="" i="" can't="" come="" in="" big="" city="" i="" lost="" in="" sky="" inprove="" this="" game="" i="" didn't="" like="" the="" game="" l="" was="" playing="" game="" from="" 2="" months="" and="" then="" i="" enter="" the="" game="" there="" was="" no="" buildings="" no="" houses="" nothing="" there="" was="" only="" mountains="" and="" forests="" and="" animals="" i="" search="" my="" city="" very="" much="" but="" there="" was="" nothing="" i="" didn't="" like="" it="" it's="" not="" fair="" so="" when="" i="" was="" building="" a="" house="" it="" kept="" on="" saying="" error="" saving="" game="" when="" i="" want="" to="" go="" to="" another="" app="" and="" return="" back="" it="" gives="" me="" a="" quarter="" of="" a="" land="" the="" map="" does="" not="" spawn="" fully="" after="" that="" when="" i="" exit="" it="" and="" enter="" again="" it="" glitches="" and="" i="" can="" not="" move="" 1)="" first="" of="" all="" why="" should="" the="" game="" wants="" phone="" data="" &="" photo="" media="" access..??🤔="" 2)="" the="" game="" didn't="" open..="" only="" showing="" loading...🧐="" 3)="" i'm="" giving="" one="" star="" only="" coz="" playstore="" don't="" have="" dislike="" button..👎="" pls="" add="" more="" animals="" and="" animals="" lead="" because="" animal="" go="" anyside="" i="" tie="" all="" animals="" be="" don't="" go="" any="" sight="" pls="" add="" please="" add="" lan="" multiplayer="" +online="" multiplayer="" please="" please="" please="" please="" please="" please......="" the="" graphics="" are="" best="" for="" make="" popular="" your="" game="" must="" add="" lan="" multiplayer+online="" multiplayer="" one="" star="" based="" on="" weapons="" do="" nothing="" in="" survival="" or="" creative.="" cannot="" load="" the="" gun="" or="" the="" bow.="" neither="" will="" allow="" you="" to="" shoot="" unless="" you="" load="" ammo.="" how="" can="" you="" release="" a="" game="" that="" refuses="" to="" let="" you="" utilize="" its="" weapons?="" thats="" beyond="" stupid.="" thats="" full="" retard="" right="" thar.="" this="" game="" is="" good="" but="" i="" haven't="" played="" it="" in="" amount="" and="" my="" whole="" mansion="" that="" i="" worked="" 4="" months="" on="" was="" completely="" deleted="" and="" i="" could="" only="" see="" the="" stove="" remaining="" in="" my="" kitchen="" i="" can't="" believe="" i="" spent="" so="" much="" time="" on="" my="" mansion="" that="" has="" been="" deleted="" by="" this="" game="" that="" you="" shouldn't="" install!="" this="" game="" is="" the="" worst.="" i="" cannot="" even="" find="" the="" city.="" i've="" just="" been="" going="" around="" the="" woods="" lost.="" plus="" if="" u="" want="" to="" build="" a="" house="" the="" blocks="" won't="" appear.="" worst="" game="" ever.="" don't="" waste="" ur="" time="" downloading="" this="" gamel="" its="" soooooo="" lame="" cos="" i="" wish="" there="" was="" survival="" mode="" so="" lame="" being="" creative="" mode="" and="" whenever="" you="" get="" out="" of="" items="" theres="" a="" ad="" like="" what's="" with="" this="" game="" does="" not="" show="" xp="" and="" health="" you="" cant="" pick="" up="" stuff="" and="" whats="" the="" hole="" point="" of="" haveing="" armor="" if="" you="" cant="" wear="" them="" .thank="" you="" for="" your="" time="" this="" is="" a="" dump="" app.="" there="" is="" showing="" so="" many="" ads.="" if="" we="" want="" to="" take="" any="" thing="" from="" bag,="" then="" it="" is="" showing="" ads="" i="" don't="" want="" to="" give="" one="" star="" also="" to="" the="" app.="" i'm="" not="" kidding,="" i've="" had="" 50="" ads="" in="" 5="" minutes.="" please="" fix="" this="" and="" i="" will="" give="" a="" higher="" review.="" p.s.="" if="" you="" try="" to="" remove="" them="" developer="" if="" you="" see="" this,="" i="" will="" be="" happier.="" i="" wish="" add="" some="" monsters="" and="" some="" villagers="" so="" that="" its="" not="" kinda="" boring="" and="" also="" fix="" the="" save="" button="" because="" i="" cant="" save="" my="" world.="" all="" you="" can="" do="" in="" this="" app="" is="" to="" build="" and="" build="" and="" build="" 🙄🙄="" it="" also="" have="" some="" bug="" issues="" please="" fix="" that..="" so="" many="" ads="" when="" i="" play,="" ad="" when="" i="" come="" into="" the="" game,="" when="" i="" start="" a="" world,="" when="" i="" exit="" the="" chest,="" ect.="" appreciate="" if="" there="" wasnt="" so="" many="" ads="" why="" does="" it="" read="" accounts="" on="" your="" device?!="" 😬="" to="" me="" it="" seems="" like="" it="" is="" a="" stalker="" app!="" in="" my="" personal="" opinion,="" don't="" download="" an="" app="" that="" has="" that="" and="" also="" if="" it="" can="" read="" phone="" numbers!="" i="" waited="" for="" over="" 30="" minutes,="" and="" it="" was="" still="" on="" the="" loading="" page.="" i="" also="" tried="" uninstaller="" and="" reinstalling="" the="" app.="" but="" still="" nothing.="" i="" do="" not="" recommend="" downloading="" this="" app.="" i="" tried="" to="" open="" the="" app="" for="" the="" first="" time="" and="" it="" was="" on="" the="" loading="" screen="" for="" 10="" minutes.="" i="" can't="" even="" talk="" about="" the="" gameplay="" or="" anything="" because="" i="" never="" got="" a="" chance="" to="" try="" it.="" i'm="" not="" sure="" if="" it="" was="" my="" phone="" or="" what="" but="" honestly="" this="" needs="" to="" get="" fixed.="" such="" a="" waste="" of="" time="" and="" storage.="" it="" might="" be="" just="" me="" but="" i="" can't="" go="" anywhere="" past="" the="" loading="" page..="" the="" game="" says="" you="" can="" play="" offline="" but="" even="" with="" my="" data="" on,="" i="" still="" can't="" do="" anything.="" is="" it="" because="" i'm="" using="" a="" mobile="" phone?="" it="" was="" hard="" to="" control="" and="" to="" many="" ads="" this="" is="" a="" super="" bad="" app.="" if="" you="" see="" this="" review="" dont="" install="" this="" app.="" its="" graphics="" are="" bad="" items="" are="" bad="" it="" wont="" even="" let="" u="" choosw="" what="" plank="" you="" can="" use="" and="" not="" so="" many="" items.="" excellent!="" i="" would="" recommend="" this="" to="" everyone="" who="" loves="" the="" game="" minecraft.,="" 😍😍😍just="" supertastic!="" very="" creative,="" and="" soooooo="" similar="" to="" minecraft!="" it's="" even="" better="" than="" minecraft.="" thanks="" a="" lot="" for="" creating="" this="" game!="" at="" first="" when="" i="" got="" this="" game="" i="" loved="" it="" and="" i="" made="" a="" house="" and="" then="" few="" weeks="" later="" it="" said="" error="" so="" i="" made="" a="" new="" level="" and="" it="" said="" the="" same="" thing="" again="" so="" then="" i="" deleted="" this="" game="" its="" horrible="" once="" you="" make="" a="" house="" it="" won't="" let="" me="" go="" back="" to="" this="" game="" this="" app="" is="" actually="" good,="" but,="" after="" playing="" this="" for="" a="" while,="" the="" glass="" door="" disappeared,="" the="" blocks="" i="" built,="" also="" disappeared.="" i="" am="" very="" disappointed.="" needs="" to="" update="" survivel="" and="" ade="" more="" things="" like="" monsters="" village="" and="" some="" new="" blocks="" and="" to="" make="" the="" crafting="" good="" we="" can't="" craft="" anything="" game="" does="" not="" even="" load="" into="" the="" menu="" before="" freezing.="" it's="" also="" a="" huge="" ripoff="" of="" survivalcraft="" by="" the="" looks="" of="" the="" pictures="" of="" this="" game="" that="" i="" cannot="" even="" play.="" galaxy="" s9="" everytime="" i="" swipe="" the="" screen="" it="" just="" goes="" back="" to="" home="" screen="" and="" every="" time="" i="" move="" the="" screen="" around="" to="" see="" around="" it="" kind="" of="" glitches!!!!="" reson="" why="" it's="" a="" kinda="" bad="" is="" that="" the="" game="" keeps="" on="" showing="" ads="" when="" you="" close="" the="" blocks="" in="" creative="" mode="" second="" it="" has="" vary="" bad="" control="" i="" keep="" on="" losing="" my="" grip="" on="" the="" movement="" wheel="" and="" last="" is="" that="" it="" need="" more="" skins="" don't="" bother,="" it's="" just="" another="" minecraft="" clone...ur="" better="" off="" buying="" the="" real="" game="" by="" the="" way="" i="" figured="" out="" how="" to="" solve="" your="" ad="" problems...disconnect="" from="" your="" internet!="" terrible="" just="" terrible="" as="" soon="" as="" i="" got="" on="" i="" was="" attacked="" by="" a="" bear="" ,and="" now="" i'm="" getting="" random="" ads="" popping="" up="" on="" my="" screen="" when="" i'm="" not="" even="" playing="" the="" game="" please="" fix="" this="" if="" you="" are="" five="" stars="" instead="" of="" one="" constantly="" crashing,="" even="" after="" clearing="" cache,="" clearing="" phone="" for="" more="" memory="" and="" fully="" charged.="" other="" than="" this="" issue="" fun="" game="" and="" would="" have="" 5="" stars="" this="" is="" really="" scary.="" you="" can="" abuse="" animal="" in="" mistake.="" but="" the="" problem="" is="" the="" the="" animals="" abuse="" me="" again.="" dont="" install="" this="" game.="" it="" actually="" good="" but="" scary.="" and="" th="" e="" furniture="" will="" be="" all="" gone.="" and="" animals="" even="" fight="" and="" one="" dies="" and="" the="" murderer="" eats="" the="" meat.="" i="" hate="" this="" game....="" i="" like="" it="" vey="" much="" but="" i="" hate="" it="" now!!!="" because="" of="" a="" lot="" of="" ads="" when="" i="" close="" my="" inventory="" or="" when="" i="" press="" that="" chest="" button="" to="" close="" it!!!!even="" worse="" theres="" a="" bug="" as="" an="" ad.="" the="" ad="" is="" stuck="" to="" my="" screen="" and="" i="" cant="" get="" it="" off!!!!!!="" #ithoughtyou="" updated="" this!!!!="" i="" didn't="" even="" get="" to="" play.="" i="" waited="" a="" long="" time="" waiting="" for="" the="" loading="" screen="" to="" finish="" loading="" and="" it's="" not="" going="" into="" the="" game.="" it="" just="" keeps="" loading.="" when="" i="" tried="" to="" open="" it="" it="" just="" kept="" loading="" idk="" why="" but="" pls="" fix="" it="" so="" i="" can="" play="" i="" also="" deleted="" many="" things="" but="" it="" still="" not="" work="" pls="" do="" something="" i="" hate="" this="" game="" .there="" is="" to="" many="" glitches="" and="" freezes="" plus="" theres="" to="" many="" ads="" please="" don't="" download="" this="" app="" because="" now="" i="" can't="" trust="" or="" download="" any="" game="" i="" hope="" this="" helps="" .please="" fix="" this="" game="" if="" you="" do="" i="" will="" re="" install="" it="" but="" now="" i'm="" unstalling="" this.):o.="" best="" game="" in="" the="" world="" nice="" than="" mine="" craft="" but="" i="" have="" made="" modern="" houses="" which="" includes="" clay="" and="" planks="" so="" whenever="" it="" rains="" all="" the="" planks="" are="" burned="" so="" i="" am="" pleased="" to="" you="" fix="" my="" problem="" by="" the="" nice="" game="" it="" can="" get="" 5="" stars="" from="" me="" absolutely="" best="" ☺="" i="" could="" not="" even="" open="" the="" app="" it="" just="" kept="" loading="" and="" loading.="" i="" even="" tried="" deleting="" it="" and="" than="" installing="" it="" multiply="" times,="" but="" the="" darn="" thing="" did="" not="" open.="" i="" am="" giving="" these="" only="" 1="" star="" because="" in="" these="" game="" there="" is="" too="" much="" lag.="" and="" when="" i="" play="" free="" fire="" in="" cannot="" get="" lag="" please="" slove="" these="" this="" takes="" so="" long="" to="" load="" because="" when="" i="" was="" trying="" to="" get="" on="" the="" game="" it="" took="" 50mins="" and="" yes="" i="" timed="" it="" and="" when="" it="" finally="" got="" me="" on="" the="" game="" for="" me="" to="" play="" it="" it="" crashed="" my="" whole="" phone="" don't="" get="" this="" game="" if="" i="" could="" give="" it="" no="" stars="" i="" would.="" this="" is="" a="" complete="" copy="" of="" minecraft="" with="" even="" less="" features.="" as="" a="" free="" version="" it="" is="" ok,="" but="" there="" are="" others="" out="" there="" that="" are="" better.="" why="" so="" much="" adds.="" i="" took="" my="" own="" time="" to="" wast="" on="" downloading="" this="" garbage="" game.="" i="" play="" it="" for="" 20="" minutes="" i="" only="" played="" the="" game="" for="" 5="" minutes.="" way="" too="" many="" ads.="" pausey,="" glitchy="" &="" tones="" of="" ads!="" it's="" a="" good="" game="" i="" won't="" lie="" but="" it="" takes="" like="" half="" an="" hour="" to="" even="" place="" a="" door="" down="" it's="" so="" pausey!="" nice="" game="" vary="" nice="" game="" mini="" block="" craft="" but="" add="" you="" end="" portal="" this="" is="" a="" worst="" game="" in="" the="" world="" 😡😡="" it="" were="" giving="" me="" only="" ads="" and="" when="" i="" play="" only="" 5="" min="" it="" were="" get="" close="" so="" please="" solve="" this="" problem="" could="" you="" please="" add="" multiplayer="" because="" i="" never="" get="" to="" play="" with="" my="" friends="" and="" please="" add="" actual="" people="" in="" the="" game="" along="" with="" transportation="" and="" businesses="" that="" actually="" have="" real="" customers="" instead="" of="" the="" bank="" being="" empty="" add="" a="" manager="" and="" people="" using="" the="" bank="" and="" make="" it="" so="" public="" users="" can="" play="" with="" other="" users="" in="" the="" game="" so="" everyone="" can="" play="" together="" every="" time="" i="" try="" to="" play="" it="" keeps="" loading="" and="" i="" checked="" my="" phone="" to="" see="" what's="" wrong="" but="" my="" phone="" was="" ok="" and="" my="" sister="" has="" the="" game="" and="" it's="" all="" fine="" for="" her="" and="" also="" my="" cousin="" has="" it="" too="" at="" its="" ok="" for="" him="" so="" i="" just="" don't="" get="" it="" i="" hope="" this="" gets="" fixed="" soon="" because="" i="" was="" looking="" forward="" to="" playing="" the="" game="" because="" i'm="" a="" bit="" annoyed="" 😔="" quite="" a="" few="" days="" later,="" i="" have="" a="" look="" at="" the="" end,="" i="" am="" sure="" guys="" soon="" for="" a="" while="" to="" get="" a="" chance="" to="" win="" the="" lottery="" funding="" from="" the="" article="" is="" about="" to="" start="" with="" the="" help="" of="" different="" colours="" and="" symbols="" to="" convey="" my="" regards="" to="" the="" condition="" categories="" of="" male="" and="" female="" reproductive="" systems="" during="" all="" life="" stages="" of="" development="" and="" delivery="" service="" in="" london="" and="" south="" america="" and="" europe="" and="" asia="" and="" the="" other="" day="" and="" night="" in="" the="" brain="" and="" female="" reproductive="" systems="" during="" all="" life="" stages="" this="" game="" is="" horrible="" 😱i="" lost="" my="" wellrased="" world="" twice="" i="" can="" open="" these="" but="" there="" is="" a="" utter="" black="" out="" ,="" all="" what="" i="" can="" see="" is="" the="" sun="" and="" the="" moon="" that's="" too="" in="" the="" orbit="" mode="" please="" fix="" it="" i="" want="" my="" worlds="" back="" if="" you="" don't="" believe="" you="" can="" see="" on="" my="" youtube="" channel="" fun="" with="" crazy="" blocks="" what="" i="" have="" lost.="" the="" 2021="" update="" is="" great,="" other="" than="" the="" menu="" being="" smaller,="" they="" added="" furniture!!!!!="" they="" even="" have="" pokemon="" furniture!!!!!="" just="" like="" any="" app="" with="" ads,="" if="" you="" shut="" off="" your="" wifi="" or="" data,="" you="" won't="" get="" ads="" but="" after="" 3="" years="" playing="" this="" game="" there="" is="" a="" huge="" problem!="" the="" world="" you're="" in="" becomes="" corrupt="" becoming="" unable="" to="" play,="" if="" you="" place="" too="" many="" furniture.="" i="" thought="" maybe="" it="" was="" just="" furniture="" i="" created,="" but="" using="" the="" furniture="" they="" have="" provided="" also="" makes="" the="" game="" glitch.="" plz="" fix="" it="" 🙏😭="" very="" bad="" game="" .="" i="" made="" house="" on="" tree="" in="" survival="" mode="" but="" i="" don't="" know="" from="" where="" did="" warewolf="" came="" and="" killed="" me="" .="" then="" in="" survival="" mode="" i="" made="" an="" underground="" house="" and="" blocked="" the="" path="" of="" coming="" in="" then="" also="" warewolf="" came="" and="" killed="" me.="" and="" whenever="" i="" play="" it="" says="" that="" you="" have="" flu="" get="" warmth.="" where="" we="" get="" warmth.="" i="" wear="" clothes="" then="" also="" it="" says="" that="" .="" and="" it="" has="" flue="" everytime.="" very="" very="" very="" very="" very="" very="" very="" worst="" game="" would="" never="" ever="" get="" you="" in="" and="" if="" you="" have="" a="" phone="" or="" tablet="" and="" you="" have="" to="" swipe="" out="" to="" get="" out="" of="" apps.="" it="" keeps="" you="" there.="" worst="" app="" ever.="" do="" not="" download="" i="" wanted="" too="" see="" and="" i="" had="" too="" reset="" my="" phone.="" i="" would="" give="" less="" than="" one="" star.="" but="" you="" can't="" this="" app="" should="" not="" even="" be="" rated="" 4.3="" stars.="" plz="" (please)="" don't="" get="" low-quality,="" ad-infested="" survivalcraft="" clone.="" this="" game="" is="" a="" pretty="" shameless="" survivalcraft="" clone="" as="" i've="" seen="" so="" far.="" if="" that="" were="" all,="" it'd="" be="" alright,="" but="" ads="" pop="" up="" every="" few="" minutes,="" interrupting="" gameplay="" pointlessly="" while="" the="" sounds="" and="" some="" of="" the="" game's="" models="" and="" aesthetics="" are="" just="" straight="" copies="" piece="" for="" piece="" from="" survivalcraft,="" a="" much="" better,="" ad-free="" game.="" survivalcraft="" is="" paid="" vs="" free,="" but="" is="" cheap="" and="" has="" much="" more="" effort="" seemingly="" put="" into="" its="" uniqueness.="" try="" that="" instead.="" this="" game="" is="" actually="" very="" realistc="" we="" can="" sleep="" anywhere="" we="" can="" color="" anything="" using="" paint="" bucket="" the="" problem="" is="" there="" is="" no="" option="" for="" decreasing="" sensitivity="" i="" always="" die="" in="" survival="" mode="" when="" i="" fall="" off="" on="" ground="" even="" from="" 4="" blocks="" height,="" why?="" also="" it="" always="" spawns="" me="" on="" the="" tree="" which="" makes="" no="" chance="" to="" survive.="" if="" didn't="" fall="" off="" then="" i="" die="" from="" freezing="" cold.="" if="" you="" can't="" spawn="" me="" anywhere="" other="" than="" tree="" then="" at="" least="" give="" the="" option="" for="" increasing="" or="" decreasing="" sensitivity="" one="" problem="" with="" this="" game="" is="" i="" can't="" do="" it="" like="" this="" like="" minecraft="" from="" creative="" to="" survival="" please="" put="" a="" game="" mechanic="" like="" this="" and="" just="" keep="" it="" up="" it's="" like="" what="" real="" life="" so="" does="" a="" buffalo="" have="" real="" life="" stuff="" and="" getting="" in="" trouble="" with="" the="" crafting="" system="" run="" yeah="" i'm="" quite="" dumb="" so="" please="" please="" make="" it="" simple="" full="" of="" horror="" i="" like="" that="" they="" added="" the="" ak="" 47="" and="" that="" you="" can="" rip="" out="" other="" players="" guts="" and="" also="" blow="" up="" their="" worlds="" and="" should="" be="" rated="" r.="" this="" game="" whould="" haunt="" a="" little="" kid="" and="" give="" them="" nightmares="" do="" not="" dowload="" this="" game="" is="" full="" of="" virus="" and="" thretens="" to="" kill="" you="" if="" you="" dont="" download="" their="" other="" games.="" this="" game="" sucks="" because="" of="" the="" sensivity="" of="" the="" game="" and="" controls="" no="" jump="" button="" i="" can="" play="" becaise="" so="" many="" adds="" come="" at="" this="" game="" and="" first="" of="" all="" that="" ur="" compamy="" should="" not="" make="" these="" kind="" of="" games="" whenever="" i="" turn="" my="" camera="" then="" i="" see="" that="" my="" character="" skin="" is="" red="" and="" that="" dosent="" make="" sense="" so="" i="" sont="" like="" this="" app="" this="" app="" so="" i="" hate="" this="" app="" sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooòoooooooooooooooooòiiooooiioooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo="" nuch="" minecrat="" is="" better!!="" there="" so="" many="" adds="" when="" i="" click="" something="" its="" always="" show="" some="" adds="" and="" is="" so="" stupid="" and="" also...="" can="" you="" remove="" the="" adds??="" and="" make="" the="" walking="" thing="" idk="" what's="" the="" name="" but="" can="" you="" make="" it="" more="" easy="" to="" control?😕="" cuz="" is="" so="" lagging...="" and="" idk="" why="" is="" the="" bed="" so="" stupidd!="" you="" know="" why="" its="" stupid="" cuz="" we="" had="" to="" make="" it="" 😡="" and="" is="" so="" ugly😠="" before="" playing="" minecraft="" this="" game="" was="" the="" best="" for="" me="" but="" after="" playing="" minecraft="" i="" don't="" want="" to="" play="" this="" game="" worst="" game="" ever="" after="" playing="" minecraft.="" java="" edition="" is="" high="" in="" graphics="" and="" mini="" block="" craft="" has="" very="" low="" graphics.="" when="" i="" downloaded="" mini="" block="" craft="" in="" my="" gaming="" pc="" i="" press="" w="" for="" moving="" ahead="" and="" it="" was="" not="" moving="" but="" in="" every="" game="" when="" i="" press="" w="" it="" move="" ahead="" so,="" i="" downloaded="" this="" thinking="" it="" would="" be="" something="" like="" minecraft.="" and="" it="" was...="" sort="" of.="" like="" as="" far="" as="" i="" can="" tell="" there="" isn't="" a="" survival="" mode,="" and="" the="" time="" it="" takes="" to="" break="" a="" block="" is="" way="" to="" short.="" it="" was="" way="" too="" easy="" to="" break="" 3="" or="" 4="" blocks="" accidentally.="" also,="" when="" you="" create="" a="" character="" when="" you="" create="" a="" new="" world="" you="" have="" to="" pick="" a="" gender,="" which="" is="" okay,="" but="" the="" character="" models="" were="" just="" single="" colored="" block="" men.="" there="" wasn't="" anything="" really="" differentiating="" one="" from="" another.="" i="" have="" given="" it="" 1="" star="" just="" bcz="" of="" it's="" creative="" mode="" otherwise="" it's="" survival="" world="" is="" just="" one="" word="" disappointing="" it's="" too="" hard="" it's="" like="" you="" are="" born="" just="" to="" die="" if="" you="" go="" inside="" the="" water="" you="" will="" get="" a="" flu="" and="" die="" if="" you="" walk="" on="" the="" ground="" you="" will="" die="" bcz="" of="" cold="" etc="" in="" just="" lvl="" 1="" you="" can't="" play="" this="" game="" straight="" without="" suffering="" or="" not="" dying="" if="" you="" wanna="" play="" creative="" go="" ahead="" but="" i="" will="" definitely="" not="" gonna="" recommend="" you="" to="" play="" survival="" there="" are="" several="" critical="" comments="" i="" have="" for="" advice="" to="" the="" user="" reading.="" first="" of="" all,="" this="" game="" was="" made="" by="" content="" thieves.="" how?="" this="" game="" stole="" textures,="" models="" and="" other="" things="" from="" the="" company="" candy="" rufus,="" the="" makers="" of="" survivalcraft.="" second,="" this="" game="" is="" buggy="" and="" glitchy,="" so="" there="" is="" no="" point="" in="" downloading.="" lastly,="" the="" game="" is="" probably="" spying="" on="" you.="" asking="" for="" microphone,="" camera,="" and="" files?="" why?="" so="" to="" end="" this="" post,="" i="" hope="" you="" won't="" download="" this="" terrible="" game.="" i="" keep="" spawning="" out="" of="" nowhere="" in="" the="" game="" and="" i've="" lost="" my="" houses="" twice="" where="" i="" had="" to="" start="" from="" scratch="" and="" make="" my="" houses="" all="" over="" again.="" they="" just="" disappeared.="" i="" was="" so="" upset="" that="" this="" happened.="" i="" loved="" this="" game="" otherwise="" but="" the="" fact="" that="" this="" happened="" twice="" makes="" me="" give="" this="" a="" 1="" rating.="" let="" me="" know="" how="" to="" fix="" it="" and="" i="" will="" give="" it="" the="" 5="" stars="" it="" deserves.="" this="" time="" i="" don't="" even="" have="" any="" furniture="" left="" to="" put="" back="" in!="" this="" must="" be="" fixed!="" i="" will="" uninstall!="" at="" first="" i="" had="" a="" fun="" time.playing="" the="" game,="" but="" after="" about="" 1="" hour="" of="" playing="" it,="" it="" got="" very="" very="" b-o-r-i-n-g="" i="" like="" other="" fake="" minceafter="" game="" 100%="" better="" then="" this="" game,="" i="" tried="" to="" build="" a="" farm,="" turns="" out="" the="" animals="" kill="" each="" other,="" they="" dont="" have="" furniture="" like="" beds.="" i'm="" uninstalling="" the="" game="" right="" now,="" and="" i="" will="" just="" spend="" 5="" dollars="" on="" real="" minecraft.="" this="" is="" horrible="" i="" waited="" for="" it's="" a="" load="" for="" like="" an="" hour="" or="" something="" and="" i="" have="" played="" other="" games="" that="" need="" wi-fi="" and="" stuff="" and="" it="" never="" took="" this="" long="" for="" it="" to="" load.="" when="" i="" did="" get="" to="" play="" i="" played="" for="" like="" one="" minute="" before="" it="" started="" to="" lag="" and="" then="" there="" were="" so="" many="" ads!="" if="" you're="" thinking="" of="" downloading="" this="" don't.="" i="" have="" given="" this="" game="" only="" 1="" star="" because="" when="" i="" was="" making="" my="" house="" i="" saw="" that="" it="" doesn't="" have="" any="" furniture,="" plants,="" electronics="" but="" it="" was="" only="" showing="" there="" names="" and="" when="" i="" gone="" to="" the="" big="" city="" there="" was="" nothing="" good,="" there="" were="" so="" many="" buildings="" but="" again="" there="" was="" no="" furnitue="" in="" fact="" the="" airoplanes="" were="" also="" not="" working,even="" we="" can't="" eat="" anything,="" only="" the="" graphics="" were="" good="" so="" guys="" please="" do="" not="" install="" this="" game="" 🙏🙏="" it's="" horrible👎👎.="" it="" is="" a="" survivalcraft="" 2="" ripoff.="" if="" you="" do="" not="" believe="" me,="" just="" download="" survivalcraft="" 2="" day="" one="" (demo="" version).="" you="" will="" see="" that="" the="" animals="" are="" the="" same.="" sc="" exists="" since="" 2011.="" it="" existed="" before="" minecraft="" pe.="" you="" can="" buy="" the="" full="" survivalcraft="" 2="" game="" and="" enjoy="" its="" brilliant="" survival="" features,="" as="" well="" as="" furniture="" (you="" can="" create="" chairs="" and="" so="" on="" using="" mini="" blocks)="" ad-free,="" instead="" of="" giving="" those="" thieves="" ad="" revenue="" and="" playing="" a="" watered="" down="" version="" of="" the="" game.="" how="" to="" get="" a="" popular="" game:="" step="" 1:="" making="" games="" is="" hard.="" so,="" steal="" the="" graphics="" from="" a="" diffrent="" game,="" and="" just="" add="" diffrent="" controls.="" step="" 2:="" coding="" is="" also="" hard.="" so="" just="" steal="" code="" from="" another="" game.="" step="" 3:="" once="" you="" put="" it="" together,="" make="" it="" look="" more="" appealing="" by="" screen="" shoting="" houses="" made="" by="" the="" stolen="" game.="" step="" 4:="" let="" the="" money="" roll="" in.="" and="" try="" to="" sleep="" at="" night="" knowing="" you="" blatantly="" ripped="" off="" a="" person="" who="" works="" ten="" times="" harder="" than="" you,="" and="" you="" just="" got="" 9+="" million="" more="" downloads.="" this="" is="" worst="" game="" ever.="" the="" building="" is="" great="" except,="" when="" you="" close="" a="" chest="" ads="" are="" being="" shoved="" down="" your="" throat.="" if="" you="" like="" ad="" dinner="" then="" play="" this="" game.="" constant="" ads="" popping="" up="" and="" trying="" to="" throw="" more="" ads.="" all="" im="" saying="" is="" that="" it="" has="" lots="" of="" ads="" i="" think="" id="" rather="" buy="" the="" minecraft="" for="" 5.99="" this="" is="" horrible.="" do="" not="" download!!!!!="" i="" love="" it.="" but="" the="" only="" thing="" is="" that="" we="" have="" to="" allow="" it="" to="" locate="" where="" our="" device="" is......="" soooo="" if="" u="" click="" deny="" it="" wont="" even="" access="" the="" game...="" thats="" all="" i="" gotta="" say...="" and="" if="" a="" child="" of="" below="" 8="" years="" old="" and="" want="" to="" create="" a="" new="" world.="" its="" shows="" to="" change="" s**="" and="" thats="" bad="" .="" but="" if="" you="" are="" big="" enough="" and="" u="" know="" what="" that="" means="" its="" fine.="" and="" if="" that="" small="" kid="" does="" ask="" their="" parents="" what="" it="" means="" they="" are="" possibly="" to="" get="" shouting="" from="" them="" so="" it="" would="" be="" good="" if="" u="" changed="" it="" recently="" ="" thnks="" this="" game="" is="" terrible.="" when="" i="" started="" i="" could="" not="" even="" control="" my="" craft.="" and="" when="" i="" actually="" started="" the="" game,="" there="" was="" no="" help="" button="" and="" i="" didn't="" know="" how="" to="" build="" anything.="" just="" like="" i="" said="" before,="" i="" would="" use="" any="" insult="" for="" this="" game="" .="" i="" would="" give="" this="" game="" a="" hundred="" 👎👎👎👎👎😝😝😝😝😝.="" please="" never,="" seriously="" never="" down="" load="" this="" game.="" i="" would="" rather="" watch="" stupid="" ads="" about="" stupid="" things="" for="" five="" whole="" years="" than="" play="" this="" game="" for="" five="" minutes.="" how="" do="" you="" die="" in="" this="" game.why="" isn't="" there="" a="" survival="" mode.="" you="" can't="" make="""" can't="" tame="" wolves="" .you="" can't="" eat.="" there="" are="" a="" lot="" of="" stuff="" to="" dislike="" also="" you="" can't="" put="" leads="" course="" they="" don't="" have="" any="" i="" think="" you="" should="" play="" another="" game="" then="" waste="" a="" slot="" in="" your="" phone="" for="" this="" because="" if="" you="" find="" diamonds="" in="" this="" game="" just="" leave="" them="" because="" they're="" in="" the="" menu="" of="" items="" as="" soon="" as="" i="" start="" the="" game="" the="" screen="" changed="" it's="" color="" to="" white="" and="" showing="" loading.="" it="" was="" just="" loading="" and="" loading.="" i="" started="" to="" wait,="" but="" also="" it="" was="" taking="" time.="" i="" installed="" it="" because="" of="" pictures.="" i="" liked="" the="" pictures="" so="" much="" that="" i="" wanted="" to="" play="" the="" game.="" because="" of="" the="" pictures="" i="" gave="" it="" only="" 1="" star="" and="" the="" other="" stars="" i="" did="" not="" gave="" because="" i="" can't="" play="" the="" game="" only.="" at="" last,="" i="" need="" to="" unstall="" it.="" please="" be="" careful.="" i="" hate="" just="" hate="" it.="" it's="" like="" a="" nock="" off.="" i'll="" tell="" you.="" 1.="" the="" screen="" is="" really="" glitch="" 2.="" and="" the="" characters="" is="" it="" menor="" these="" characters="" are="" from="" fnaf?="" 3.="" i="" dont="" like="" the="" camera="" position="" it's="" really="" weird="" and="" not="" likely="" that="" good="" quality="" 4.="" you="" dont="" even="" have="" any="" one="" to="" play="" with="" it's="" like="" your="" on="" your="" own="" its="" really="" not="" that="" great.="" 5.="" why="" dosen't="" this="" game="" have="" a="" health="" bar="" like="" when="" you="" hit="" a="" animal="" it="" tries="" to="" kill="" you="" and="" i="" feel="" like="" the="" game="" wait="" nvm.i="" dont="" have="" anything="" welp.="" this="" doesn't="" work="" so="" never="" ever="" download="" sooo="" so="" much="" buildings="" but="" no="" furniture="" and="" the="" big="" city="" is="" not="" even="" finished="" yet="" there="" is="" some="" of="" te="" buildings="" say="" "coming="" soon"="" and="" i="" wanted="" to="" check="" out="" all="" of="" the="" buildings="" so="" if="" i="" were="" you="" i="" won't="" download="" this="" game/app😡😡🙅🙅="" and="" we="" can't="" even="" eat="" food="" we="" alwys="" need="" to="" be="" in="" creative="" i="" can't="" even="" do="" anything!!!!="" to="" my="" character="" ughhhhhhhhh!!!!="" absolute="" copy.="" ok="" i="" have="" to="" admit="" its="" a="" good="" concept="" but="" its="" a="" copy="" of="" a="" better="" game.="" the="" better="" game="" is="" called="" survival="" craft,="" (there="" is="" also="" a="" second="" one="" called="" survival="" craft="" 2)="" it="" costs="" money="" but="" its="" worth="" it!="" its="" only="" about="" three="" dollars.="" if="" you="" think="" this="" game="" is="" cool,="" try="" survival="" craft="" 1="" or="" 2,="" if="" you="" think="" this="" game="" is="" lame,="" try="" survival="" craft="" 1="" or="" 2,="" i="" guarantee="" you="" will="" love="" 😍survival="" craft!="" i="" love="" this="" game="" at="" first.="" but="" later="" i="" face="" many="" problems="" like="" i="" killed="" almost="" 100s="" of="" wolf="" but="" every="" night="" there="" are="" new="" wolf's.="" i="" dig="" a="" boundary="" and="" fill="" it="" with="" lava="" don't="" know="" how="" they="" cross="" lava="" only="" at="" night.="" the="" wolves="" ate="" my="" animals.="" second="" problem="" is="" no="" furniture="" and="" if="" i="" try="" to="" make="" the="" furniture="" it="" is="" said="" "="" furniture="" design="" is="" too="" long"="" even="" with="" in="" 5="" -6="" boxs.="" third="" problem="" is="" that="" there="" is="" nobody="" human="" here="" except="" of="" me.="" i="" felt="" bored="" by="" playing="" alone.="" event="" can't="" invite="" people.="" it="" dosent="" even="" need="" 1="" star="" it="" sucks="" so="" bad="" i="" let="" it="" sit="" for="" a="" long="" time="" and="" it="" still="" wouldnt="" load="" and="" it="" asked="" for="" my="" location="" why="" would="" a="" building="" game="" need="" my="" location!?="" and="" if="" the="" reason="" it="" wouldnt="" load="" is="" because="" i="" didnt="" give="" it="" my="" location="" then="" this="" is="" a="" very="" very="" s**ty="" game="" well="" it="" already="" is="" actually="" so="" just="" a="" heads="" up="" if="" u="" dont="" show="" where="" u="" live="" u="" cant="" play="" ="" it="" was="" terrible.="" i="" have="" fun="" at="" first="" but="" then="" half="" of="" my="" world,="" my="" hard="" work="" and="" effort="" was="" destroyed="" all="" because="" the="" people="" who="" made="" this="" where="" to="" lazy="" to="" control="" how="" far="" the="" lava="" spead.="" plus="" there="" are="" so="" many="" ads.="" it="" is="" crazy="" how="" many="" ads="" there="" are.="" in="" conclusion="" this="" game="" sucks="" do="" not="" download="" it.="" it="" was="" good="" but="" i="" will="" give="" it="" a="" 1="" star="" because="" my="" device="" had="" nothing="" wrong="" on="" it="" but="" everytime="" i="" play="" the="" game="" im="" gonna="" pick="" the="" world,="" spawn="" my="" character="" and="" then="" when="" i="" got="" to="" my="" world="" the="" game="" is="" glitching="" then="" the="" game="" just="" go="" into="" my="" wall="" and="" its="" happening="" everytime="" i="" tap="" mini="" block="" craft="" so="" please="" fix="" the="" game="" so="" no="" one="" could="" experience="" the="" same="" situation="" i="" have="""" please="" fix="" this.="" this="" stupid="" game="" won't="" let="" me="" past="" the="" loading="" screen!="" so="" annoying.="" tried="" this="" with="" a="" few="" different="" devices="" and="" it's="" not="" compatible="" with="" any="" of="" them!="" wasted="" my="" time="" trying="" because="" it="" didn't="" work.="" moral="" of="" the="" story,="" don't="" download="" fake="" minecraft="" games.="" not="" even="" a="" good="" copy...="" based="" off="" of="" what="" i'm="" seeing="" in="" the="" thumbnail,="" the="" cows="" don't="" even="" look="" like="" cows.="" looks="" like="" the="" cringey="" roblox="" rthro="" stuff.="" ack.="" don't="" download="" if="" you="" have="" a="" low="" temper.="" this="" game="" will="" make="" you="" annoyed="" for="" sure...="" it="" is="" a="" fun="" game="" i="" can="" build="" anything="" i="" want="" i="" gave="" it="" 1="" star="" because="" there="" is="" a="" huge="" bug="" one="" time="" i="" exited="" a="" game="" and="" opened="" it="" again="" when="" i="" got="" in="" the="" world="" i="" saw="" only="" black="" could="" move="" build="" or="" break="" i="" only="" saw="" a="" black="" screen="" and="" i="" have="" been="" building="" on="" that="" world="" for="" 4="" weeks.="" i="" made="" a="" new="" one="" a="" few="" days="" later="" build="" in="" it="" for="" 2="" weeks="" then="" exited="" about="" 2="" hours="" past="" i="" enter="" the="" world="" again="" and="" same="" thing="" couldn't="" move="" build="" thow="" people="" mch="" break="" nothing="" please="" help="" me="" with="" this="" bug.="" i="" tried="" this="" in="" the="" new="" tab,="" but="" stupid="" game="" you="" cannot="" edit="" the="" world,="" change="" your="" character="" a="" boring="" freddy="" skin="" ugly,="" also="" nniu,="" every="" skin="" is="" ugly,="" what="" about="" like="" a="" real="" person="" like="" realmcraft,="" block="" craft,="" minecraft,="" mini="" craft,="" blocks="" only="" cool="" not="" i="" want="" to="" edit="" world="" anyway,="" i="" can't="" find="" fancy="" city="" in="" the="" boat="" station="" i="" will="" never="" change="" my="" camera="" big="" city/dream="" city="" suppose="" to="" be="" apart="" why="" sticked="" no="" options="" or="" settings="" build="" block="" makes="" such="" stupid="" games="" i="" want="" talking="" angela="" skin="" this="" it="" the="" worst="" rip="" off="" version="" of="" minecraft="" i="" have="" ever="" seen,="" it="" takes="" like="" an="" hour="" to="" load="" and="" i="" have="" full="" bars="" takes="" forever="" to="" kill="" something,="" offended="" woman="" can't="" even="" change="" to="" survive="" or="" put="" on="" clothes="" i="" wish="" i="" could="" give="" this="" no="" star's,="" i="" hate="" this="" game="" and="" i'm="" deleting="" it="" right="" now="" i="" strongly="" don't="" recommend="" this="" game="" thank="" you="" 😊="" this="" is="" an="" exact="" copy="" of="" minecraft="" except="" the="" quality="" is="" horrible="" you="" would="" be="" better="" spending="" 6="" bucks="" on="" minecraft="" because="" at="" least="" they="" make="" their="" game="" original="" take="" a="" lot="" of="" hard="" work="" into="" it="" and="" they="" give="" you="" the="" best="" gameplay="" you="" can="" have="" but="" if="" you="" want="" to="" be="" cheap="" this="" is="" the="" game="" they="" should="" call="" it="" crabby="" rip-off="" of="" minecraft="" cuz="" that's="" exactly="" what="" i="" t="" is="" take="" my="" word="" for="" it="" this="" game="" is="" not="" what="" you="" think="" and="" sometimes="" the="" game="" won't="" even="" load="" after="" like="" 10="" minutes="" i="" deleted="" it="" i="" didn't="" even="" open="" it="" yet="" and="" it="" already="" sucks.="" i've="" been="" waiting="" for="" like="" ten="" minutes="" for="" this="" stupid="" game="" to="" load="" and="" it's="" not="" working.="" and="" it="" keeps="" asking="" for="" my="" location="" so="" that="" they="" can="" find="" where="" i="" live="" or="" something.="" it's="" not="" loading="" because="" i="" didn't="" give="" my="" location.="" i'm="" not="" trying="" to="" get="" robbed="" or="" scammed.="" i="" don't="" need="" to="" give="" my="" location="" so="" i="" hit="" deny="" and="" it's="" not="" letting="" me="" in.="" i="" hate="" this="" app="" i="" wanna="" shut="" it="" down="" i="" just="" try="" to="" make="" my="" farm="" and="" house,="" and="" when="" i="" spawned="" like="" 10="" animals,="" it="" says="" "too="" many="" creatures"="" when="" i="" hardly="" spawn="" anything.="" i="" also="" noticed="" that="" this="" game="" is="" being="" very="" rude="" to="" women="" because="" it="" says="" when="" you="" pick="" a="" name="" it="" gives="" traits="" of="" females="" and="" males.="" it="" says="" men="" have="" more="" strength="" than="" women,="" and="" that="" women="" go="" slower="" need="" more="" food,="" and="" get="" injured="" alot.="" that="" is="" a="" lie.="" i="" get="" it="" this="" is="" a="" game,="" but="" women="" can="" do="" as="" much="" as="" men.="" definitely="" not="" worth="" it.="" this="" game="" is="" stolen,="" the="" real="" app="" is="" survivalcraft.="" it="" looks="" a="" lot="" nicer="" and="" has="" features="" like="" properly="" sharing="" worlds.="" this="" stolen="" app="" is="" simply="" easy="" money="" for="" the="" thief.="" it's="" terribly="" done="" in="" terms="" of="" the="" attempted="" visual="" changes="" made,="" and="" it="" feeds="" you="" adds="" every="" chance="" it="" gets.="" without="" even="" an="" option="" to="" remove="" for="" the="" proper="" experience.="" this="" app="" takes="" away="" profit="" from="" the="" real="" developer="" and="" should="" be="" removed="" from="" the="" play="" store.="" again,="" check="" out="" "survivalcraft="" 2"="" instead!="" horrible!="" i="" found="" something="" called="" crafting="" and="" building="" and="" it="" has="" bees="" pandas="" other="" stuff="" like="" that="" play="" that="" then="" this="" horrible="" trash..="" also="" it="" has="" bee="" hives="" and="" bees="" nests="" and="" polar="" bears="" turtles="" mermaid="" skin="" you="" can="" get="" pe="" skins="" by="" putting="" it="" in="" you="" gaklary="" play="" crafting="" and="" building="" to="" have="" fun!!!!!!="" hope="" you="" enjoy="" it="" then="" this="" trash!="" firstly="" thers="" adds="" everytime="" really="" i="" get="" on="" the="" server="" boom="" add="" every="" 1="" minute="" boom="""" no="" furniture!!!!!="" whats="" the="" point="" playing="" when="" theres="" no="" furniture="" and="" theres="" no="" furniture="" in="" the="" block="" thingy.thirdly="" its="" a="" big="" rip="" off.="" also="" its="" soooooo="" glitchy.lastly...colourful?="" i="" did="" not="" get="" the="" fact="" that="" theres="" not="" that="" much="" colours="" tbh.="" so="" people="" whatever="" you="" do="" dont="" get="" this="" game="" its="" really="" unexpectedly="" miserable.="" my="" game="" has="" a="" problem!="" when="" the="" first="" time="" im="" trying="" to="" play="" it="" was="" nice="" and="" ok="" but="" when="" some="" days="" past="" my="" game="" started="" to="" crash="" the="" main="" map="" (big="" city)="" is="" broken="" when="" i="" tryed="" to="" get="" into="" then="" map="" it="" just="" says="" error!="" and="" when="" i="" re="" installed="" it="" it="" still="" been="" error="" i="" mean="" i="" could="" give="" a="" five="" star="" rate="" if="" you="" fix="" that="" pls="" if="" i="" could="" put="" lower="" than="" this="" i="" would="" do="" it.="" 1st:="" it's="" a="" direct="" copyright="" infringement="" as="" it's="" stolen="" from="" "survival="" craft="" 2".="" 2nd:="" the="" starter="" world's="" are="" all="" worlds="" they="" have="" stolen="" credit="" from="" the="" community="" of="" survival="" craft.="" for="" example:="" the="" world="" called="" beautiful="" mansion="" is="" actually="" a="" world="" made="" by="" melody="" cake.="" 3rd:there="" are="" no="" options="" or="" content="" manager="" or="" help="" section.="" nothing.="" i="" don't="" recommend="" it="" to="" my="" worst="" enemy="" so="" definitely="" not="" any="" one="" of="" you="" guys.="" worst,="" it="" is="" just="" copy="" of="" survivalcraft.="" nothing="" is="" there="" in="" this="" game="" no="" npcs,="" no="" portal,="" no="" survival="" mode,="" no="" multiplayer,="" we="" can't="" ride="" horses,we="" can't="" do="" fishing,="" can't="" do="" farming,="" we="" can't="" even="" sleep="" also.="" just="" have="" to="" build,="" build="" and="" build="" nothing="" else.="" its="" my="" suggestion,="" guys="" don't="" download="" this="" game.this="" game="" is="" fake="" minecraft.="" and="" creator="" also="" doesn't="" respect="" our="" opinion="" and="" also="" doesn't="" add="" anything="" in="" updates.the="" creator="" is="" very="" rude.the="" game="" should="" be="" removed="" from="" play="" store.="" i="" too="" like="" this="" game="" but="" there="" are="" many="" problems="" there="" are="" lots="" of="" adds="" and="" if="" we="" want="" a="" pet="" in="" fhis="" game="" it="" is="" too="" difficult="" to="" survive="" with="" them="" and="" only="" big="" city="" have="" furniture="" but="" another="" world="" doesn't="" have="" furniture="" if="" we="" want="" to="" make="" houses="" in="" other="" worlds="" we="" can't="" the="" house="" will="" be="" incomplete="" without="" furniture="" we="" want="" to="" make="" houses="" in="" other="" worlds="" because="" there="" is="" not="" much="" space="" available="" in="" big="" city="" but="" the="" game="" is="" good="" hell="" no="" not="" me="" again="" a="" set="" of="" ads="" is="" i="" wast="" to="" rate="" out="" of="" 100="" i="" will="" put="" ten="" and="" if="" yu="" type="" in="" savanna="" or="" any="" other="" thing="" like="" jungle="" forest="" or="" antarctica="" or="" village="" or="" country="" or="" city="" but="" them="" ads="" very="" anoying="" bad="" put="" in="" mor="" animal="" and="" that="" you="" can="" bond="" with="" them="" and="" when="" you="" put="" in="" other="" people="" that="" you="" can="" make="" tribe="" or="" join="" one="" but="" pls="" no="" ads="" i="" don't="" like♡="" this="" game="" i="" mean="" what="" the="" hell???!!="" the="" controls="" are="" so="" bad="" and="" the="" graphics😂😂😂😂😂="" first,="" when="" i="" open="" this="" game="" there="" was="" written="" that="" the="" was="" injured.="" look="" don't="" discriminate="" that="" mans="" are="" stronger="" than="" women.="" why???¿¿¿??!!!!!="" now,="" some="" people="" like="" this="" game="" and="" i="" didn't="" but="" i="" don't="" know="" that="" if="" anyone="" like="" this="" game="" after="" playing="" it="" ♡="" ~_~="" ♡="" i="" love="" how="" the="" details="" are="" and="" how="" you="" get="" to="" see="" lots="" of="" people="" in="" the="" game="" and="" there="" are="" so="" many="" animals="" in="" the="" game="" and="" i="" love="" how="" you="" get="" to="" build="" any="" where="" you="" want="" to="" and="" i="" just="" wanna="" say="" that="" can="" you="" update="" me="" on="" mini="" block="" craft="" because="" i="" dont="" like="" how="" the="" animals="" attack="" you="" and="" how="" the="" y="" try="" to="" bite="" you="" and="" all="" that="" stuff="" i="" just="" wanna="" say="" that="" i="" like="" the="" game="" but="" not="" that="" much="" because="" thay="" always="" bite="" me="" but="" not="" other="" people="" and="" i="" dont="" like="" getting="" bite="" and="" you="" know="" that="" i="" dont="" like="" tht="" when="" i="" have="" download="" this="" app="" it="" was="" very="" good="" i="" was="" playing="" and="" it="" works="" very="" smoothly="" and="" suddenly="" when="" i="" have="" deleted="" this="" app="" due="" to="" storage="" and="" then="" again="" downloaded="" this="" app="" the="" big="" city="" was="" not="" opening="" it="" was="" very="" furiously="" moment="" for="" me="" and="" i="" can't="" do="" anything="" without="" learning="" so="" it="" have="" to="" improved="" there="" qualities="" please="" please="" improve="" because="" this="" was="" my="" favourite="" app="" used="" to="" like="" this="" game="" but="" now="" i="" realized="" how="" dumb="" it="" is="" it="" doesn't="" have="" any="" beds="" no="" monsters="" no="" portals="" anywhere="" you="" can't="" farm,="" you="" can't="" trade,="" no="" commandsand="" there's="" barely="" any="" stuff="" to="" build.="" like="" in="" other="" building="" games="" there's="" beds="" their="" shelves="" and="" a="" lot="" of="" good="" other="" stuff="" there's="" less="" variety="" of="" building="" supplies="" and="" you="" can="" only="" go="" in="" creative="" mode.="" this="" is="" the="" worst="" building="" game="" in="" the="" world="" and="" it="" should="" be="" deleted="" from="" the="" play="" store😡😡😡="" cant="" believe="" almost="" all="" of="" the="" reviews="" dont="" realize="" that="" this="" is="" a="" complete="" knockoff="" of="" survival="" craft="" by="" candy="" ruffus.="" ive="" been="" playing="" the="" real="" survival="" craft="" for="" a="" long="" time="" now.="" seeing="" the="" pictures="" on="" this="" just="" makes="" me="" think="" this="" is="" fake="" but="" once="" in="" the="" actuall="" app="" it="" is="" literally="" a="" copy="" of="" the="" original="" survival="" craft.="" this="" game="" is="" beutiful="" bacause="" when="" you="" open="" the="" big="" city="" it="" has="" a="" huge="" world="" and="" if="" i="" open="" my="" inventory="" i="" can="" see="" the="" accesories.but="" my="" question="" why="" did="" they="" make="" this="" game="" that="" if="" you="" make="" a="" world="" the="" accesories="" will="" gone="" and="" others="" are="" there,="" this="" game="" is="" beutiful="" but="" not="" to="" make="" a="" world="" so="" fix="" this="" problem="" and="" soooo="" many="" ads.="" its="" horrible!!!="" when="" i="" download="" it="" i="" strated="" to="" make="" my="" house="" i="" like="" wanted="" to="" give="" 5="" stars.="" when="" i="" go="" to="" take="" a="" look="" around="" i="" saw="" my="" house="" burned="" for="" no="" reason,="" i="" started="" too="" put="" water="" but="" it="" dosent="" work="" and="" i="" creaded="" like="" 10="" minuts="" i="" worked="" sooooo="" harded="" creater.="" then="" i="" started="" crying="" i="" decided="" to="" play="" minecraft="" not="" this="" trash="" game,="" then="" i="" uninstall="" the="" game.="" it="" is="" so="" bad="" it="" ask="" for="" where="" you="" live="" or="" for="" your="" location="" and="" to="" get="" access="" to="" your="" camera="" i="" give="" it="" one="" star="" it="" let="" me="" in="" the="" game="" but="" i="" was="" looking="" at="" a="" white="" screen="" that="" said="" loading="" but="" it="" was="" not="" it="" took="" 30="" for="" me="" to="" get="" this="" game="" so="" i="" think="" it="" is="" bad="" don't="" get="" this="" game="" if="" you="" don't="" want="" to="" spend="" 30="" or="" more="" time="" to="" get="" this="" game.="" it's="" the="" worst="" building="" game="" i="" ever="" played.="" it="" has="" the="" dumbest="" graphics="" and="" glitches.="" i="" need="" to="" search="" of="" all="" my="" inventory="" to="" find="" things,="" literary="" there="" is="" no="" search="" option.="" there="" are="" four="" to="" five="" skins.="" it="" lacks="" some="" of="" the="" resources="" but="" instead="" it="" has="" extra="" items="" which="" are="" useless.="" and="" the="" main="" part,="" this="" game="" contains="" abusive="" and="" dirty="" ads="" that="" you="" can't="" think="" of.="" we="" play="" it="" as="" friendly="" game="" but="" they="" show="" ads="" that="" contains="" 18+="" things.="" i="" recommend="" dont="" download="" it.="" ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌="" i="" hate="" this="" game="" so="" much="" this="" game="" such="" a="" lie="" cuz="" when="" i="" looked="" on="" the="" pictures="" it="" was="" really="" cool="" but="" when="" i="" actually="" played="" it="" was="" such="" boring="" and="" wasted="" almost="" my="" entire="" youtube="" video="" and="" that's="" why="" i="" hate="" it="" so="" much="" and="" i'm="" not="" telling="" you="" my="" youtube="" leave="" me="" alone="" and="" never="" come="" back="" to="" me="" again="" by.="" ok="" i="" rated="" one="" star="" because="" why="" do="" the="" blocks="" just="" float="" there="" so="" i="" can="" collect="" them="" again?!?!="" i="" hate="" it!="" and="" people="" who="" say="" "this="" is="" just="" a="" copy="" of="" minecraft"="" or="" something="" like="" that="" i="" belive="" them!="" so="" i="" hate="" this="" game="" i="" would="" rate="" 0="" stars!="" and="" when="" it="" said="" below="" when="" you="" rate="" "is="" this="" a="" simple="" game?"="" i="" said="" no!="" i="" deleted="" this="" game="" for="" that!!!!="" omg.="" this="" game="" stinks="" everything="" you="" open="" your="" inventory="" and="" leg="" out="" of="" there="" another="" id="" constantly="" goes="" advertisement="" advertisement="" advertisement="" advertisement="" it's="" so="" annoying="" please="" change="" this="" over="" alternate="" okay="" game="" that="" is="" a="" copy="" off="" of="" minecraft="" and="" minecraft="" is="" much="" better="" is="" it="" doesn't="" work="" ok="" it="" is="" awful="" no="" furniture="" when="" i="" was="" building="" my="" house="" underground!!!!!!="" do="" not="" use="" this="" app="" because="" it="" does'nt="" have="" any="" furniture="" at="" all="" so="" dont="" use="" it="" its="" nothing="" like="" minecraft="" so="" do'nt="" use="" it="" you="" can="" only="" build="" absolutely="" no="" furniture="" even="" though="" it="" shows="" some="" on="" the="" pictures="" it="" is="" absolutely="" disgraceful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!="" just="" sad.="" controls="" are="" terrible="" for="" me="" at="" least="" and="" it="" is="" sooo="" laggy.="" also,="" make="" your="" own="" original="" game="" don't="" copy="" off="" if="" minecraft="" make="" up="" your="" own="" little="" game="" i="" honestly="" don't="" know="" how="" this="" game="" has="" an="" overall="" rating="" of="" 4="" stars.="" just="" sad.="" people="" just="" play="" minecraft="" its="" only="" 6.99="" but="" it="" has="" no="" ads,="" and="" is="" cross="" platform="" game.="" also="" its="" runs="" way="" smoother="" and="" is="" more="" reliable.="" this="" game="" is="" a="" third="" party="" game="" and="" is="" not="" reliable="" it="" crashed="" my="" phone="" 5="" times.="" ok="" dont="" get="" me="" wrong...="" its="" a="" good="" app="" but="" why="" just="" why="" is="" it="" so="" dam="" glitchy="" it="" just="" shuts="" itself="" off="" and="" when="" u="" try="" to="" breack="" sonething="" it="" just="" wont="" work.="" i="" dont="" know="" if="" its="" just="" because="" i="" have="" an="" ipad="" minni="" or="" if="" it="" just="" happends="" to="" everyone="" anyways="" i="" would="" like="" it="" if="" it="" wasnt="" so="" glitchy="" all="" da="" dam="" time.="" there="" is="" bad="" block="" texture="" i="" replaced="" the="" game="" with="" survival="" craft="" 2.="" so="" thats="" why="" i="" don't="" like="" it="" and="" there="" is="" no="" survival="" mode="" for="" binita="" its="" only="" creative="" mode="" game="" and="" for="" survival="" mode="" you="" have="" to="" download="" the="" demo="" version="" of="" this="" game="" the="" demo="" version="" has="" no="" creative="" mode.="" only="" survival="" mode="" and="" the="" day="" one="" version="" has="" both="" of="" the="" modes="" but="" when="" you="" build="" a="" mansion="" on="" creative="" mode="" it="" says="" the="" day="" has="" ended.="" 🙁="" please="" download="" survival="" craft="" 2="" or="" survival="" craft="" regular="" version.="" 🙂="" this="" game="" is="" the="" worst="" game="" i've="" ever="" played="" in="" my="" life="" there="" is="" a="" lot="" of="" things="" that="" i="" can="" say="" that="" this="" game="" is="" not="" good="" first="" wheelie="" house="" it="" disappears="" when="" you="" like="" i="" make="" house="" like="" a="" city="" in="" 10="" hours="" and="" i="" get="" away="" from="" the="" game="" to="" check="" something="" and="" then="" i="" didn't="" read="" the="" game="" i="" didn't="" find="" my="" house="" second="" thing="" why="" there="" are="" animals="" and="" things="" that="" you="" can="" kill="" with="" and="" they="" own="" the="" animals="" are="" really="" annoying.="" i="" really="" hate="" it="" and="" i="" can="" write="" a="" game="" that="" this="" game="" is="" bad!="" build="" block="" studio="" i="" am="" playing="" this="" game="" for="" past="" three="" years="" and="" i="" am="" not="" able="" to="" unlock="" furniture="" after="" gaining="" almost="" 15-="" 16="" levels="" what="" the="" heck="" is="" this="" fix="" it="" fast="" because="" i="" used="" to="" like="" this="" game="" but="" not="" anymore="" it="" is="" a="" waste="" of="" time="" and="" 26="" mb="" i="" have="" played="" this="" game="" for="" a="" long="" time="" but="" i="" did="" not="" face="" any="" problem="" earlier="" and="" i="" unlocked="" furniture="" and="" now="" i="" am="" not="" able="" to="" this="" fix="" it="" or="" close="" your="" company="" i="" love="" this="" game="" a="" lot="" but="" when="" i="" installed="" the="" game="" i="" started="" building="" a="" house="" and="" i="" don't="" know="" if="" you="" can="" save="" so="" i="" had="" to="" start="" from="" the="" beginning="" that's="" why="" i="" gave="" it="" just="" one="" star.="" who="" ever="" created="" this="" game="" pls="" fix="" it.="" i="" still="" love="" the="" game="" and="" i="" am="" not="" going="" to="" build="" a="" house="" over="" and="" over="" so="" i="" am="" uninstalling="" this="" game.="" played="" for="" a="" while,="" after="" about="" two="" months="" game="" started="" to="" glitch="" out,="" and="" completely="" stop,="" making="" me="" load="" the="" game="" again.="" then="" after="" another="" month="" or="" so="" the="" textures="" started="" to="" on="" random="" occasion="" to="" dissappear="" turning="" all="" blocks="" black.="" i="" don't="" know="" if="" it="" was="" me="" but="" i="" could="" never="" get="" the="" game="" out="" of="" creative.="" i="" hate="" this="" well="" its="" because="" it="" is="" boring="" sooooo="" boring="" it="" doesn't="" even="" look's="" like="" mine="" craft="" i="" used="" to="" play="" this="" but="" then="" too="" many="" ads!="" it="" is="" the="" dumbest="" thing="" i="" ever="" seen,="" thats="" it="" i="" will="" play="" minecraft="" now!!!i="" am="" sick="" of="" this!!="" can't="" you="" understand!!!😒😒😒="" and="" i="" am="" going="" to="" play="" with="" casper="" too="" she="" is="" a="" cat="" and="" i="" don't="" care="" about="" this="" stupid="" game="" i="" don't="" even="" know="" if="" it's="" a="" good="" game="" because="" i="" waited="" for="" an="" hour="" and="" still="" it="" didn't="" load="" if="" you're="" not="" a="" waiter="" i="" highly="" suggest="" you="" do="" not="" play="" this="" game="" because="" i="" mean="" i="" rated="" one="" star="" because="" i="" don't="" want="" to="" give="" it="" 0="" because="" otherwise="" i="" would="" always="" i="" have="" one="" stop="" because="" the="" loading="" part="" takes="" too="" long="" but="" it's="" very="" creative="" so="" how="" is="" registered="" and="" not="" to="" play="" ticking="" of="" the="" week="" if="" you're="" not="" going="" to="" wait="" for="" me="" it="" is="" the="" worst="" game="" ever="" this="" is="" a="" wonderful="" game="" i've="" played="" this="" game="" many="" times="" to="" three="" times="" and="" i="" think="" so="" the="" bug="" and="" relaxation="" and="" it="" have="" many="" things="" if="" you="" want="" to="" be="" an="" engineer="" is="" a="" great="" game="" to="" have="" and="" you="" can="" an="" ideas="" for="" making="" built-ins="" home="" parks="" and="" parks="" and="" any="" types="" and="" its="" beautiful="" and="" adventurous="" game="" there="" are="" many="" animals="" can="" be="" soon="" and="" i="" first="" time="" when="" i="" played="" this="" game="" i="" don't="" understand="" the="" real="" many="" apps="" many="" things="" in="" this="" game="" but="" after="" playing="" this="" 12="" months="" that="" i="" understand="" that="" welcome="" to="" the="" 1.16="" beta!!!="" this="" beta="" brings="" you="" new="" nether="" mobs:="" piglins="" and="" hoglins="" and="" new="" ores="" in="" the="" nether,="" the="" craftable="" ore="" netherite.="" we’re="" also="" bringing="" you="" brand="" new="" biomes="" to="" explore!="" here="" are="" only="" some="" of="" the="" exciting="" additions="" for="" you="" to="" play,="" build="" and="" discover="" in="" the="" nether!="" -="" the="" "zombie="" pigman"="" is="" now="" known="" as="" the="" "zombified="" piglin"="" with="" an="" updated="" texture="" and="" model.="" -="" red="" and="" blue="" netherwart="" forests="" &="" red="" nether="" fungi="" -="" soul="" torch,="" lanterns,="" and="" blue="" fire="" -="" nether="" vines="" this="" game="" is="" the="" worst="" minecraft="" game.="" i="" i="" have="" so="" many="" problems.first(the="" controls)="" the="" controls="" are="" so="" hard="" that="" i="" ended="" up="" breaking="" some="" blocks="" in="" the="" building="" in="" big="" city.second(ads)everytime="" i="" click="" something="" like="" place="" block's="" there="" is="" an="" ad="" and="" when="" i="" exit="" the="" games="" there="" is="" an="" ad.third(glitch)="" when="" i="" explode="" so="" many="" tnt="" it="" glitches="" and="" when="" i="" tried="" to="" exit="" the="" game="" the="" glitch="" is="" affecting="" it="" that="" i="" have="" to="" click="" home="" so="" many="" times="" until="" it="" exits="" fourth(graphics)="" the="" graphics="" are="" so="" bad.="" very="" very="" bad.="" at="" first="" it="" was="" a="" good="" game="" but="" when="" i="" was="" using="" it="" for="" atleast="" 4="" days,="" i="" had="" like="" glitches="" and="" holes="" with="" space="" on="" bottom="" in="" my="" house.="" i="" worked="" hard="" for="" my="" house="" and="" now="" the="" glitches="" and="" holes="" just="" ruined="" it.="" very="" very="" bad="" app.="" please="" fix!!!😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎="" peace!="" i="" am="" just="" telling="" the="" truth✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌="" it's="" a="" good="" game="" but="" i="" just="" don't="" like="" how="" i="" have="" a="" lot="" of="" animals="" then="" it="" pops="" up="" and="" says="" to="" many="" creatures="" when="" i="" want="" more="" creatures="" this="" game="" (v.2.0)="" was="" very="" good="" because="" it="" lagged="" very="" low="" but="" the="" latest="" version="" stuck="" when="" i="" place="" 2="" -="" 3="" blocks.="" and="" it="" glitches="" too="" much.="" this="" problem="" doesn't="" happened="" on="" android="" 6="" but="" it's="" extremely="" laggy="" in="" android="" 10.="" (😭)="" dislike="" this="" game="" this="" game="" is="" a="" very="" good="" game="" but="" there="" are="" not="" many="" animal="" not="" many="" functions="" and="" not="" village="" make="" this="" game="" like="" minecraft.="" thanks="" you.="" everything="" good="" ,="" but="" i="" am="" not="" able="" to="" import="" furnitures="" from="" other="" world="" ,="" it's="" always="" showing="" zero="" when="" i="" try="" to="" add="" furnitures="" from="" content="" .="" can="" you="" fix="" the="" issue="" as="" soon="" as="" possible="" its="" annoying="" i="" installed="" the="" game="" and="" when="" i="" start="" it="" and="" try="" to="" play="" it="" its="" says="" initializing="" and="" it="" never="" starts="" so="" i="" hope="" this="" bug="" will="" be="" fixed="" real="" soon="" i="" don't="" want="" a="" ads="" and="" it="" kept="" resets="" my="" world="" progress="" when="" i="" uninstall="" and="" re-install="" it,="" plsss="" fix="" this!="" game="" is="" nice="" but="" there="" is="" no="" people="" in="" the="" next="" update="" give="" some="" person="" on="" the="" game="" and="" the="" vehicle="" are="" not="" moving="" please="" give="" some="" moving="" vehicles="" like="" cars="" plane="" bikes="" etc="" whenever="" i="" use="" a="" furniture="" the="" game="" shows="" different="" types="" of="" shapes.="" i="" don't="" know="" why="" this="" happens?="" else="" the="" game="" is="" okay.="" one="" more="" thing="" happens="" whenever="" i="" build="" something="" it="" disappears="" i="" don't="" understand="" why="" this="" happens?="" and="" my="" world="" disappeared.="" it="" suddenly="" crashed="" this="" game="" is="" perfect="" but="" i="" have="" lot="" of="" problems="" and="" the="" most="" annoying="" is="" that="" one="" day="" i="" decided="" to="" play="" it="" again="" i="" got="" in="" the="" city="" but="" there's="" no="" more="" city="" i="" was="" very="" confused="" and="" add="" multiplayer="" although="" the="" game="" is="" very="" fun="" but="" kinda="" hard="" to="" control="" the="" graphics="" are="" kinda="" bad="" and="" in="" one="" world="" theres="" furniture="" like="" example="" chairs,="" sofa,="" etc="" and="" the="" other="" world="" doesn't="" have="" the="" same="" furniture...="" i="" don't="" know="" why="" the="" game="" keeps="" kicking="" me="" out="">:/ så irriterende. Løs venligst mine problemer tak
Jeg kan godt lide dette spil, flot grafik, alt her i spillet, men tilføj venligst flere spawn-æg, og jeg håber, at bilerne i møblerne virker. Jeg er ikke skuffet over at downloade den
Jeg vurderer dette spil femstjernet, men kan du få dette til at have multiplayer-tilstand. Jeg vil gerne spille dette spil med min bror.😊😊😊.Tak
8 år Archives - Gode Apps til Børn
App'en tingker MEGA MEGA MEGA MWGA MEGA MEGA meget så jeg kan ikke spille det men jeg forstiller mig at det er et godt spil selv om jeg ikke kan spille det 😄😀😆🙂😉😊
미니 블록 크래프트 캐주얼 게임 ctw
Jeg plejede at elske det, men så blev min verden slettet af en eller anden dum grund?! Jeg brugte måneder på at lave det spil, og det spilder min tid! Der er også for mange annoncer i spillet, og menneskene ser underlige ud. Og hvad er tøjet til? Plus teksturen er så dårlig, men hvis du fikser det, ville jeg give det 5 stjerner
Dette spil er så fantastisk, men der er et par ting, jeg ikke kan lide🤔 ved overlevelsestilstanden, karakteren er så hurtigere til at få en influenza. Du kan ikke bygge noget, hvis karakteren har en influenza, jeg synes, du skal tilføje et tidsrum om karakterens helbred, som det ikke burde være nemt at få influenza. Og lad mig foreslå noget, der kunne gøre spillet mere interessant. Jeg synes, du skal placere et zombier, mobbs og andet monster, så spillet bliver bedre, og også tilføje grise og kylling❤😁
Det er et godt spil, men ikke perfekt. Glad for at se, at der er tilføjet en separat mulighed for at klæde sig, fodre eller lade min karakter sove efter opdateringen, og overlevelsestilstanden. Jeg giver det 4/5, da jeg ikke kunne redde min verden og have en sikkerhedskopi i min telefon. Jeg frygter, at det kan blive slettet uden varsel. Jeg vil ydmygt bede udviklerne om at undersøge denne sag. Edit: Lige hvad jeg har frygtet, var nødt til at nulstille min telefon på grund af nogle problemer, 2 måneders indsats er spildt, ude af stand til at komme sig. Ændring af vurdering til 2/5.